Filler: Valentine's Day Special

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"Man, you sure are getting stronger, Vegeta!" Goku said.

He walked over to his prince, sweating from the intense battle they had just went through. He smiled at him, making Vegeta feel a weird fuzzy feeling inside.

"Huh? Your face is red."

Vegeta looked back up quickly, exposing his red face.

'I've got to get my head out of the clouds!' he thought.

"Are you sick?"

Goku lifted a hand to his face and looked deeply into his eyes with care. He brushed Vegeta's hair to the side and caressed his cheek. Goku neared his face to his, pressing his forehead against the other Saiyan's. Vegeta's eyes widened, and he blushed mad.

"I-Idiot! What do you think you're doing?!" he yelled.

Goku pulled away and sighed. For a moment he could almost see his eyelids drooping and a small frown on his face. He quickly covered it up with a grin.

"... Nevermind. Let's go inside! I sure am hungry!"

'Kakarot's been acting weird lately... I'm sure it's something stupid.'

Vegeta trailed behind his training partner and followed him into the eating area. Goku motioned for him to sit down in a seat next to him. Beerus and Whis walked into the room, placing packages of ramen in front of themselves and the two Saiyans.

'Ramen noodles again? What kind of idiot eats that much ramen?'

"Itadakimasu!" they all said before digging into the delicious meal in front of them.

Vegeta looked up from his ramen noodles and made eye contact with the other Saiyan. Goku looked away and began to eat the rest of his noodles so fast that he finished them in one swift bite. He stood up and slammed his hands on the table.

"Man, that was good! I'm stuffed!"

Vegeta looked at the table and saw a pile of ramen noodle cups laying there.

'Oh, that's right. He really does eat fast like me. If only I could feel him eat me up like that...'


He snapped out of his trance and saw Goku standing in front of him. Their faces were just inches apart. He screeched and jumped back, falling to the ground.

'What the hell, brain?!'

He rubbed the back of his head and felt a hand in his, lifting him off the ground.

"Are you okay?"

There it was. His soothing voice, caring arms, and protective aura. He just wanted to drown himself in it.

"DOES IT LOOK LIKE I'M OKAY?" Vegeta screeched.

He glared at the younger Saiyan, but ironically had to look up and glare. The way that Saiyan looked down at him and smiled and laughed made him want to punch him in the face, yet pull him closer at the same time. The feeling was indescribable and new to both of them, but of course they didn't know that yet.

"I dunno. That's why I asked, silly!" Goku giggled.

'His laugh... It's so...'

"Oi, Vegeta."



Goku began to blush a little.

"Y-your face..."

Vegeta stood there with his eyebrow raised at Goku and observed him closely. Suddenly, Goku began to laugh hysterically.

"IT LOOKS LIKE A tOmAtO!" He wheezed.

"IDIOT THIS ISN'T FUNNY!!!" Vegeta retorted.

He raised his fist to hit Goku, but before he could, he proposed a different explanation.

"Your face actually kind of looks like a rose."

'Da fuq? How'd he get that kind of thinking???'

"KaKaRoT yOu-"

The prince stopped at the was cut off.

"You... Look pretty cute." Goku said.

He looked him in the eyes as his face turned a shade of crimson. Both of their faces were now red.

"D-DID YOU JUST CALL ME CUTE?!" Vegeta bellowed.

"Yeah, I did!"

"I'M THE pRiNcE oF AlL SaIyAnS!!!"

Goku laughed and smiled brightly at his prince, staring deeply into his eyes.

"Vegeta... I..."

Vegeta sighed and looked at the ground.

"Look, Kakarot. If you're here to say that you're starving again, you ate all the ramen. There is no more food."

"No, it's just that... I've been feeling this weird feeling around you lately."

They were both quiet for a long moment.

"Do you feel it too, Vegeta?"

The question rang inside his head. Did he feel that way towards Kakarot? It was pretty obvious, but was he going to confess?

"... I don't know what you're talking about."

"You know, when you want to stay with that person and do nothing but that."

"... I-"

"I-I think I love you, Vegeta. More than just close friends."

The prince was silent again. The room was filled with a tense air as Goku anticipated his response. A few moments later, Vegeta walked over to their room and sat down on his bed. He motioned for the other to join him.

"Kakarot, come here."

Goku gulped and sat down next to him. He glanced at him again. Suddenly, Vegeta pulled Goku down by the top of his gi and pressed his lips against his in a passionate, but quick way. The younger Saiyan's eyes widened as his cheeks flushed completely. They both pulled away from the kiss and held each other. Vegeta smirked.

"Does this answer your question?"

Goku smirked back at Vegeta and leaned in towards his face.

"Yes, actually it does."

He pressed his lips on his and kissed Vegeta in a sensual way. They began to run their hands through each other's hair as the prince positioned himself to sit on top of Goku. The younger Saiyan pressed his hips against his, leaning in causing Vegeta to moan lightly. Goku took the chance to slide his tongue into his mouth and let it move in and out of his mouth in sync with their lips. A little bit later, they both pulled away, panting.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Vegeta."

He smiled genuinely at his prince and layed down with him, cuddling him against his chest. Vegeta smiled lightly.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Kakarot."


Author's Note: Thank you guys for reading this and thank you so much for your support! We finally hit over 1,000 views on my story!!! I'm sorry about the weird update schedule, I am usually a busy student. Also, if you guys want me to make a smut chapter specifically, comment down below! I will be releasing a new story soon for Mystic Messenger. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this, and look for the next story chapter very soon! Ja-na!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2020 ⏰

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