Chapter 4: A Shocking Realization

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"NANI?!" Goten nearly screamed into the receiver face now flushed.

He threw his phone on his bed and scraped his fingers down his face groaning. He stared at his phone, eyes large and wide, and sharply inhaled squeezing his eyes shut.

"BOI." he pointed at the phone with both his hands as his door creaked open.

"Goten - chan! Who are you talking to like that?! I DEMAND you to answer me!" his mother intruded glaring at him.

"Gomennasai, Tosan. Trunks was talking to me." Goten immediately apologized glancing up at her.

"About WHAT?" she emphasised tapping her foot with folded arms.

"I... um..." Goten stuttered.

"I asked you a QUESTION young man! Answer me!" she said peering at her son.

"Uh..." Goten trailed off.

He attempted to answer her once again before his father instantly appeared in his room and teleported away with him.



Goku placed a finger up to his lips staring at his look alike son. Goten stared up at his father in confusion, but then quickly nodded.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here? I'd tell you a chemistry joke, but I know I wouldn't get a reaction. HEHEHE! HEHEHE! *snort snort*" King Kai started.

"Get it? Ooh! I have another funny one! Have you ever tried to eat a clock? It's very time consumi-"

King Kai said before Goku and his son both quickly Instant Transmissioned back to their house on Earth.

Before he knew it, Goten was back in his home with an insane mother glaring back at him with daggers in her eyes, and his father was nowhere to be seen. He gulped.

"Um... Trunks was talking to me about his Fornite wins and he said 'I don't care about your Fornite wins!' to me when we were playing, so I got a bit upset???"

He glanced up at his mother slowly leaning away from her with wide eyes.

"Well then, what should I punish you with this time, Goten-chan?" The harpy squinted her eyes at her innocent, yet mischievous son.

"Umm... extra homework???" he guessed his voice almost a whisper.

"Not only that, but NO MORE FORTNITE AND COMPUTER TIME FOR THE REST OF THE WEEK!!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND YOUNG MAN?!?!" ChiChi screamed at her husband's look alike son.

"Yes, mom." he replied in a low tone.

"This is ridiculous! I will be notifying Bulma this instant about this! Now, GO TO YOUR ROOM AND FINISH YOUR STUDIES!!!" she yelled sternly and firm at Goten.

"Uhh... mom? This is my room." Goten said riskingly.

"Oh, uh, well... SAME THING! GO FINISH YOUR STUDIES AND NO MORE FORTNITE! That saiyan's son is such a delinquent!" she said storming out of Goten's room and slamming the door behind her.

Goten plopped down onto his bed and sighed turning his head towards a 9,000 page long book laying next to him that read 'College Prep: Learn How to Complete Calculus and write 50 page long essays on the Human Body.

"Well, at least she forgot one thing..." He said to himself.

Goten pulled out a black, rectangular box out of his pocket that illuminated a bright light onto his face. He cringed and opened his messaging app to a contact labeled 'My Future Otto'.

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