Chapter 12

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Rob went ahead and tried to date another girl to forget angel but it  was not as easy as he thought it would be.

On the other hand Angel stayed single without searching, for a couple of months before finding her new love.

Later on Rob found this girl that taught him how to smoke weed, she was very pretty and intresting. You would not tell that she was a smoker at a glance.She was always so neatly dressed.They tried being together but it  did not work out.

During the time when angel was single,she began experiencing loneliness she was used to the goodmorning calls and the long night calls,the 'you hang up or no hang up'kind of calls.She began missing him, and since she went home on her leave she could remember vividly where she sat when she was calling Rob or when rob was calling him, she could see the teddy bear  Rob bought for him, the flower she bought her in one of the valentines.  She had a special place where she would put Rob's stuff where she had put a tag 'Robgel'.Whenever she went out she would see the places she used to meet Rob and it was obvious she missed her.

She tried reaching out to Rob but all in vain.This time Rob wanted nothing to do with her.She kept trying but nothing.Until she came to the terms that  her and Rob  were no was the end for Robgel but she did not want it to end in bad terms so she kept reaching out for atleast friendship.

So her leave ended and she went back to work.

Since she was working in a hotel she met so many people and then one day, a guy came.That guy was very handsome, tall ,  body builded and dark and he was driving a black Range Rover.His cologne was so fresh and had an expensive smell you would smell it from a distance.

Angel to herself:oh my God look at this

After a few interractions with the guy he asked angel out for dinner.

Angel:goodmorning sir,
The guy:good morning Angel.(ofcourse her name was written on her name tag) Quit  calling me sir,i told you my name is Pat.

Angel:okay sssir oh sorry in progress
(they both begin to laugh)
A guest comes to the reception and Angel attends to the guest in swahili

Guest:mambo?mle ndani nikama jokofu yangu haileti baridi.Naomba mshughulikie ilo swala

Angel:samahani sana kwa hilo, tutashughulikia ilo swala.

The guest was tanzanian

Pat:this is so intresting

Angel: what is intresting?

Pat:the way you speak swahili is so impressive

Angel:Really?you  can't speak swahili?

Pat:am Ugandan but i was raised in southafrica all my life.I need a swahili teacher

Angel:am not very perfect in swahili but i can gladly say Swahili is my second language after my mother tongue ofcourse

Pat:then you will be my teacher

Angel:okay,i would not mind sharing my little knowledge of swahili with you.

Pat:am rushing to whitesands. can we  please go out for dinner  at travellers

Angel: am not sure my parents will allow me, i will let you know

Pat:give me your number i will call you

Angel :0706******

Pat:see you then pretty

Angel:when you see me

And that is how their relationship started so several dinners,outings, gifts.Pat was so romantic but even that could not get her to forget Rob.

Something happened and for some reason Angel and Rob began talking again.They shared what they went through in their various relationships.

By the time Rob had already broken up with the girl that taught him how to smoke weed and was now into his new girl called siana.A very beautiful girl with brains she was studying law in the same school as Rob.

By this time angel was already used to the fact that her and Rob were exes.whenever they had conversations they talked about their relationships.

Angel on the other hand had started falling for Pat.Pat turned out to be a good guy but Angel never understood the source of his wealth and that to her, was scary.

Pat had also fallen in love with Angel. To him Angel was always herself and there was this stubborness with Angel that even Rob used to love about her

So one day they were out on a date, they had gone to a chinese restraunt  and when the food came.Angel went to wash her hands

Pat:why aren't you using chopsticks?
Angel:you brought me all the way to come eat with sticks? I don't know how to use sticks to eat
Pat:i love your african Nature.😂😂😂 they are not sticks they are chopsticks

Pat:can i ask you something by the way?
Angel:sure go ahead
Pat:i want to go see your parents

Angel:wait, we have only been together for three months and you want to see my parents?

Pat:yeah i want you to come with me to southafrica.Just think about it

Angel:(shaking her head) Nooo

Pat:come on, think about it.Stop saying no to everything(looking all furious)

Angel:why are you mad? What is your reason of being mad?
No no wait, what do you take me for?your handbag?you can carry me everywhere, anytime you want to?Pllleeeasee don't start.

Pat:you only say yes to dates!That is the only thing you say yes to !!and my gifts but no to sex, no to trips no to marriage.You think you can use me to your advantage?

Angel:well,thank you sir  for the dates this one here is the last one.

Pat:you are not going anywhere!

Angel:be my guest and watch me do it.

That night angel called Rob crying and narrated everything to him

Rob:you made a good decision swty
Angel:i didn't know his intentions what if he wanted to kidnapp me
Rob:Thank God you didn't give in


Rob:am coming to Mombasa

Angel:You coming?when?

Rob:Am not sure

Angel:si utapitia uku swty

Rob:ntapitia usijali swty nimekumiss.So sai uko single?

Angel: yeah sai niko single

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