Chapter 13: Natasha Is Too Lovey-Dovey

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June was already tired of the lovey-dovey Natasha. Ever since her first date with Felix, Natasha had been having a hard time talking about anything but that and class. June rolled her eyes every time the conversation inevitably turned back to Natasha's and Felix's new relationship, or "Felasha" as Emma had started calling them. June had no idea why relationships were so exciting. At least, until she met Reaghan.

Reaghan was in June's Psychology class, and had approached her the day after Halloween.


June sat down in her normal spot in Psychology, wrote down the date, and noticed someone sitting beside her. The girl had sky blue highlights in her otherwise very blonde hair, hazel eyes, and lots of freckles. (I'm sorry if this isn't your type, Nina). June stared at her for a moment before asking, "Uh, hi. What are you doing next to me?" The girl smirked.
"I'm Reaghan. Nice to meet you. I'm sitting here because it has the best view in the class. I didn't realize until now that you can see everything from back here." Reaghan sat back in her chair and leaned back, looking around the room. "It's cool." June rolled her eyes, but secretly, she liked this girl. She was pretty, not afraid to speak her mind, and WAIT DID SHE JUST SAY IT HAD THE BEST VIEW RIGHT NEXT TO JUNE OMG THAT SNEAKY— June sat up.
"Did you just use a cheesy pickup line on me?!" she demanded. Reaghan's smirk grew bigger.
"I don't know, did I?" June's cheeks grew uncomfortably warm. Was it just her, or was she BLUSHING?!

Over the next two hours, Reaghan and June had a long conversation, including cussing, sex jokes (where June managed not to blush, luckily), and many MANY references to different things. June had to admit Reaghan was fun to talk to.

WAIT DID SHE JUST ADMIT SHE LIKED— oh no. June thought for a minute. Did she have a crush on Reaghan?! If she did, Natasha would do that creepily psychotic thing where she automatically knew that someone had a crush and then force her to tell who it was. If she didn't, what was that weird feeling in her stomach that she hadn't felt for years? She had debated about so many things in her life, she wanted to be sure.

After class was over, Reaghan slid a piece of paper across the desk to June and walked away. June unfolded the torn binder paper and read Reaghan's message.

It's been really cool hanging out. You seem like the kind of person to enjoy the company of someone demanding. How would you like to go to a movie with me? I promise I'll share the popcorn. Here's my number.

After Reaghan's name was a phone number. June smiled. Then she frowned. Oh no.

June definitely had a crush on Reaghan.

End of Flashback

Natasha came back from English smiling. She walked into the dorm room, saw June sitting on her bed, holding a piece of paper, and her mouth dropped open.
"Oh my gods. June. Tell me everything. What's happened? Something's happened, I know it." June rolled her eyes.
"I knew you'd get that psychic thing again. Whatever. I may or may not have a tiny eensie weensie crush." Natasha squealed and jumped up and down, clapping her hands. Then she calmed down at June's glare.
"Don't make a big deal about this, Nat, I'm serious. It's just a tiny crush." Natasha sat on a desk chair and spun around.
"Mhm. That's what they all say. What's that piece of paper?" Natasha grabbed it before June could fold it up again and ran around the room, June chasing her to get the paper back while Natasha screamed out the written words.
"Oh my gods she asked you out!!!" Natasha exclaimed after June had snatched the letter back and hit Natasha on the head with a pencil. "Are you going to text her?! You better text her!" June sighed.
"I don't know. I don't exactly have experience with this, you know." Natasha nodded and held out her hand.
"Phone." June stared at her.
Natasha rolled her eyes and said it again. "Phone." She clarified, "Give me your phone."
June opened her mouth and closed it again. Then she rolled her eyes and handed Natasha her phone. Natasha unlocked it (she had added her fingerprint into everyone's phone in case of an emergency) and opened June's message app. She put in Reaghan's number and wrote a quick message, and before June could stop her, Natasha sent it. Then she handed June her phone back and let her read it. June sighed at the contact name Natasha had put Reaghan as.

June to: CRUSH ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️: Hi, this is June. I was thinking we could go to a movie on Thursday, I have some free time between World History and Sociology.

June got a sudden smile on her face as Reaghan answered, and Natasha read over her shoulder.

CRUSH ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️: Kk, cool. as long as u make sure u remember that book u were telling me about. i promise i won't lose it

Natasha helped June answer.

June: I won't forget. Meet you in front of the fountain at 2:00 then.

CRUSH ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️: k, c u l8r

Natasha sighed at the poor grammar, but she was happy that June was smiling so much.

June could not wait two days for this. She couldn't believe it, but she was actually excited. For a date. OH GODS NATASHA WAS CONTAGIOUS.

Author's note: Look, Nina, I'm sorry if Reaghan isn't your type, but it's not as if you've told me, and I figured June should be the next one for a relationship, even if it doesn't work out. Natasha needed another relationship to fawn over.

Anyway, what are your guys' ship names for them?! Any other ideas for new relationships or DRAMA?! I'm thinking of a school play or maybe a dance. Any ideas? Please leave comments.

Loves to all!

❤️, Nat

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