Part 18: Bella Fluffiness

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Hey, so I've been thinking. What would people say if Natasha dumped Felix...? I mean, yes they're happy. But Natasha is thinking about Tatiana too. OPINIONS? Please comment your ships! I need opinions ASAP! Also here's some Bella fluff.

Bella sort of felt like all of her friends were moving on romantically without her. Natasha had her love problems, but she would figure them out. June was starting to get the feelings. Ella had... well, Bella knew she would eventually find someone. But Bella? No way. Feelings? What are those?

She walked to class alone, like normal. She left class alone, like normal. She went back to the dorm, watched Ella and June get into an argument about what Hogwarts house their characters would be in, and decided to go for a walk.

Bella started down one of the many trails on campus. She sat on a bench in front of a river, noticed a couple kissing on the bridge, and sighed as she started walking back to the dorm. After all, what would be the point of other people all being in love when she was just going to be alone anyway?

As she got back to the campus, she decided that going to get some coffee would be a good idea. She needed the caffeine if she was going to go back to the dorm and Natasha's romantic problems. She went into the coffee shop at the edge of campus, the one where not many people went because it was so small, and sat at a table in the corner, ordering a small chocolate mocha.

She looked at the magazines spread out on the table. All of them had some random celebrity couple holding hands or kissing or being otherwise lovey-dovey. She rolled her eyes and turned them over as the server came over to give her the coffee. She looked up to say thank you and smiled.

The server was tall, handsome, and SO stereotypical it wasn't even funny. He had curly blonde hair, light blue eyes, and was wearing a button that said, "Please talk to me, I'm shy." Bella took her coffee, said, "Thank you," and was about to go when the server handed her a napkin.

He smirked and said, "Don't forget my number. After all, if you don't have it, you'll just have to come back for coffee to see me again." Bella giggled without thinking. The server smiled wider when he heard her laugh, and turned around to go back behind the counter.

Bella walked out of the door, staring at the napkin in her hand. On the paper, there was a name and a phone number. It also said, "The name's Bond. James Bond. Okay, not really. It's just James. Still, text me!"

She sat at one of the fountains before going to the dorm. Should she actually do it? She had never been hit on before, and she was kind of excited. But honestly, with her obliviousness, she would probably end up friend-zoning him before he got the chance to ask her out. And he probably gave his number to every girl who sat at that table.

Before Bella could consider it any more, someone came up behind her and took the napkin out of her hands. She turned around to see a girl, really skinny, wearing a crop top and long brown curls, obviously done with a curling iron. The girl glared at her.

"Stay away from my ex, girl. You don't want to get on my bad side." The girl smiled and tore the napkin in half, throwing it on the ground. "See ya." Then she stalked off. Bella was confused. Why did she care if James was her ex anyway? Against her better judgement, she decided to do what Ella would. Even if it would get her killed. She picked up the napkin, stuck her tongue out at the girl's retreating back, and punched the phone number into her phone.

Bella: Um, hi, this is Bella. The girl from the coffee shop?

James: Hello again. This is James. I hope you made the right choice.

Bella: I... I hope so too.

Bella walked back to the dorm, sneaking a glance at her phone every few steps to see if James had texted her back. He hadn't by the time she opened the door to a pillow in her face.

"Oops! Sorry Bells!" Ella exclaimed, grabbing the pillow and throwing it again, this time actually hitting her intended target.

"Ow!" Bella ignored June's yelps of "I'm going to get you back for this, Els!" and sat down on her bed, wondering if she should text James again to make sure he actually got her message.

Natasha sat next to her. "Bella? You okay? Sorry Ella threw that pillow at you, they're fighting over who gets to cosplay as Nico di Angelo next." Bella laughed, still staring at her phone. "What's wrong?" Natasha asked next, noticing her focused expression.

Bella showed her the text messages. Natasha nodded knowingly. "It's boy trouble, isn't it?" Natasha asked.

Bella blushed. "So I may have met someone. He flirted a bit at the coffee shop and handed me a napkin with his name and number on it." Natasha stood up, grabbed the pillow from June, and jumped up and down squealing. Ella looked at her like she was crazy.

June grabbed Natasha's shoulders and stared her in the eyes. "Natasha. Why are you excited again? Don't you still have romantic troubles?" Natasha pulled away.

"Bella's got a crush! And his number!" she exclaimed, pointing at Bella's phone. Bella put her head in her hands.

"Oh, gods," she started to say, but Ella sat next to her and poked her before she could get it out.

"Bella! Why didn't you tell us?! I could've helped!" Ella told her playfully. June laughed.

"Oh right, because Ella flirts." Ella rolled her eyes at June again.

"I told you not to talk about that!" She turned back to Bella. "But anyway. Spill."

Bella told them about the encounter with James. Natasha did the logical thing. She dropped the pillow and exclaimed, "I just heard a ding! I think he answered!"

They all gathered around Bella's phone as she opened it and read,

James: So how'd you like to meet me back at the coffee shop tonight?

I can't let you get too excited. I'll continue later... PLEASE comment your ships and what I should do with Natasha's situation! Also, maybe some guesses as to what James has planned for him and Bella...? Opinions! Ships! Comment!

Loves to all,

❤️, Nat

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