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After our little coffee date, I wanted nothing else to do with him. But he had something else in mind. There something glistening in those blue eyes.

"There's a test coming up soon," I lied through my teeth just to get away from him. "So, I need to study."

Ryan tilted his head to the side like a lost puppy. "Oh don't be like that, we're just going to hang out."

I rolled my eyes as he followed me into the safety of Rosewood University. I knew his type of hang out, and I wasn't going to fall for his games.  "No, I'm not here to 'hang out'," I said, and held up my index finger. "Nor am I going to entertain you. I appreciate you taking me out for coffee, but that ends there. Okay?"

Without giving him time to reply, I continued to make my way to our dorm room. But, he was such a guy as he kept on following me. He was seriously starting to work on my nerves.

"Just trying to make friends," he said in his deep, rough voice as he kept his pace with me. "With a beautiful girl like you, and I must say, I don't give any compliment to any girl."

I stopped in my tracks and looked at him. Ryan was giving me his beautiful smirk where the right side of his mouth was higher than the left, partially revealing his white teeth that I wanted to punch out.

"Will you just stop flirting with me?" I snapped at him. We stared into each other's eyes, there was a brief silence before I continued, "I'm here to study, and I need you to leave me alone, okay? I wish you bad luck and have a bad life."

Ryan barked a belly laugh as he kept on following me. He didn't need to know that I didn't have any study work, I needed to get away from him, especially what he told me about walking naked. He was creeping me the fuck out. "Oh come on, any girl would die for this offer."

As he said this, he grabbed my wrist but I managed to pull away from him and take the stairs up to the third floor. He came closer to me and I stopped him with my hand against his strong chest as I felt his rapid heartbeat under my touch. "Don't come any closer, and I'm not just any girl, okay?"

Ryan held his hands up in defense. "I get that and that's what I like about you. Please don't turn me down."

I laughed at his attempt to soften me up but it wasn't going to work.

"See, I made you laugh," he said squeezed my cheeks.

"Don't touch me," I said as I swatted his hands away from my face. I continued to climb the stairs until I made it to the third floor.

Ryan was close behind. "Why are you so protective?" 

"Because my mother taught me to stay away from boys like you," I snapped at him for the umpteenth. Damn, he knew how to work on my nerves and he knew he was getting to me.

"Feisty, I like."

I rolled my eyes as I unlocked the dorm room and stepped inside. Seeing as the sun was about to set soon, I walked straight into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

Being the annoying guy that he was kept on knocking on the door. "Yo! I'm going to have someone over tonight, so you know, you might wanna go—"

Ripping the bathroom door open, Ryan leaned against the frame with no shirt on, exposing his athletic body as my eyes roamed his muscles. His skin looked so smooth, almost golden.

"What?" I hissed after checking him out. He saw it, and I was glad he didn't comment on it. "Where am I suppose to go?"

He shrugged as he walked over to his bed and I noticed he only had his boxers on, and that also made me check out his lower part of his body. His calves were perfectly structured and I cursed myself inwardly for his perfect body.

"She'll be here—"

Just then, the door swung open revealing a very gorgeous brown skinned girl with beautiful long black hair, big brown eyes and a body to die for. She had a tank top on, but it was small showing off her belly ring and tight shorts.

Wiping around to look at Ryan with a stunned expression, I said, "woah. Are you serious?"

Ryan smirked at me. "It could've been you, but you turned me down, so..."

Did he just suggest I have sex with him? What an egotistical, truculent piece of dipshit. The black beauty advanced toward him and threw herself at him causing my nose to wrinkle as they smashed their lips together.

"So, this is the girl everyone has been talking out," she commented as her eyes searched for something, then she shrugged. "She's cute."

Ryan felt the need to add, "yeah... but ignore her, I missed you so much."

He couldn't possibly be mad at me for turning him down, could he? Maybe it injured his overflowing ego and I rolled my eyes as they started making out. Moans and groans.

"This is unbelievable," I mumbled, just as she began to straddle him with his hands on her hips. Clearing my throat to make my presence known. "Are you guys gonna have sex here?"

Both of them looked at me as if I just grew two—no three heads. "It's not like you haven't done it before," she said looking down at Ryan, and began kissing him again. She rolled her eyes and eyed me. "Take a hint, sweetheart. Or, are you willing to do a threesome?"

I stood there, stunned by her bluntness and Ryan just shrugged his shoulders. "Oh my god, that's disgusting."

A laugh vibrated from Ryan's very good-looking stomach and my eyes unintentionally saw his prominent boner in his boxers. I closed my face with my hands. "Well, you can watch and get some tips—that's another option, but I vote for the threesome."

"Oh my God," I said grabbing my duffel bag as I felt the anger boil inside me. What a douchebag. "I can't believe this," I added as I aggressively walked over to the door, swung it open and shut it with so much force that the wall vibrated.



Ryan is such a character lol.

you’re beautiful and that’s a fact, so slay.

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