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The camp had various activities taking place and given that Ryan and I were roommates, we had to do everything together. But I didn't participate in any of the activities as I faked being sick.

Sitting on the wooden bench near the mountain, some students—including myself—watched at the boys climbed the mountain. Three boys were shirtless and the girls next to me squealed at Ryan's half-naked body.

I rolled my eyes when he turned around to flash us his famous smirk. He was so carefree when he didn't think too much about the shit going on in his life. The ache in my chest hurt because I wanted to be with him and I wanted him to be happy.

It really pained me to see him like this so I stood up from the bench and walked to the familiar blue dome tent. We were leaving today, so I began to pack my bags. The teddy bear siting in the corner of the tent just made me fall all over again.

Spending time with Ryan had me very intrigued. When all of my clothes were stuffed into my duffel bag, I swung it over my shoulder and grabbed my teddy bear as I walked my way to the car.

Seconds, minutes and hours later, Hunter drove us back to Rosewood University. I didn't want to leave, to be honest because I was happy and I could tell Ryan was too just by looking at him.

You're such a guy, Ryan, I thought to myself because he was still shirtless as the wind blew threw his hair light brown hair.

"So how was the camp?" Jasmine asked as she turned around to look at me. She was happier than usual and her face was glowing.

I shrugged not even bothering to look in Ryan's direction. "It was okay."

Jasemine knew me for eight months now and we hung out almost everyday so I considered her as my best friend. She knew something was bothering me when she asked, "what's wrong?" 

"Nothing, I'm just tired, that's all." 

Her gaze narrowed down on me. "I know you're lying, but I'll find out eventually." 

Instead of replying, I turned my head to look out of the window as she turned back into her seat. It wasn't long before Hunter spoke, "so, I see Ryan gave you his gift."

Ryan and Hunter couldn't stay mad at each other. They were so inseparable that it emotionally hurt to stay mad at each other—those were Ryan's words. In a matter of minutes, they were back to being best friends.

I eyed him warily. "Yeah."

"Yeah?" he teased, "that's all you're going to say?"

"What do you want me to say?"

He sighed and ran his fingers through my hair. "My friend here Ryan, is madly in love with you, Lydia. He made me drive six hours just to get that teddy bear that you love so much. And another four hours when that store didn't have your favorite box of chocolates."

I just glared at Ryan and he smiled at me. When non of us said nothing, he continued, "and let me tell you something, Ryan has never fallen in love before. Yeah, he screws around with girls but I've never seen him do this before. He's a different guy now. I've noticed this since the day you guys met. He was telling how much he liked you just by looking at you."

As Hunter was telling me this, I couldn't keep my eyes away from Ryan. He wasn't perfect, neither was I. But he made sure that I smiled and got me stuff that I loved. He wasn't the same guy he was a few months ago. Ryan matured. And I was falling in love with my roommate.

"You two would make a great couple," Jasmine complimented out of the blue and he clasped her hands together in excitement. "And I totally ship it!"

I nudged her from the back of the seat as my felt the heat rush up to my cheeks. "Well, you two make a wonderful couple too!"

There was a brief silence before Hunter barked out laughing. "So, there's something we need to tell you guys."

"What?" Ryan and I asked in unison making me smile.

Hunter looked at Jasemine and she nodded her head slowly. "Jasmine and I are officially a couple."

Jasemine felt the need to say, "you can't choose who you fall in love with. That person might be right in front of you."

"Thank you," Ryan said as he looked at me.

"Congratulations!" I grinned at her. "I hope it'll work out."

"Thanks, now we're just waiting for you and Ryan."

"That won't happen," I said thinking back to those girls who threatened me if I didn't stay away from Ryan.

"Why not?" Ryan asked and just as I was about to reply, my phone started ringing in my pocket. I fished it out and pressed the green icon as I held the phone against my ear.


There was a few whispers before the Principal's voice spoke, "Mrs. Ambrose, we need you to get back at Rosewood University immediately."

My palms started sweating as I swall hard. "We'll be right there."

"See you soon."

Taking the phone away from my ear, I looked at the phone for a moment, until I said in a whisper. "Hunter please step on it, I need to get to the University right away." 

None of them said nothing as Hunter drove us back to the University in a hurry. I could see Ryan's eyes on me the entire time. He wanted to make sure I was okay, but I ignored him and soon as Hunter parked the car in the Universities parking lot, I jumped out and made my way to the office.

Jasemine, Hunter and Ryan were close behind me. Before I could even make my way into the foyer, I gasped as I saw the workers taking down pictures of me. Not just any pictures—pictures of me dressed in my undergarments. The tears started pooling into my eyes and flew down my face like a river.

I turned around to face Ryan—he looked scared and terrified—as he scanned the place with his eyes. When his gaze met mine, it looked like empathy but without hesitation, I raised my hand and slapped him clean across his face.

My hand stung from the slap as I heard Jasemine gasped. "I hate you," I spat in a growl as the pain shot through my heart. "In every sense of the word. I. Hate. You. I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" I ranted as I hit his bare chest with my fists.

He held my arms tight against his grasp. "Lydia please. I didn't do it."

I violently ripped my arms away from his hold and pointed a finger at him. "You the only one who had the pictures."

Ryan's eyes looked like they had tears in them. "And don't even fucking dare lie to me! You're the worst person to ever exist!"

With my remaining rage, I slapped him again and ran up the stairs to go to my dorm room.



ohhh. drama..

you’re beautiful and that’s a fact, so slay.

My Roommates A Player - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now