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After storming into the dorm room, I slumped onto my bed and cried. I really wanted to believe Ryan with all my heart. The tears didn't stop running from my eyes.

Not long after I arrived, the dorm room open to reveal Ryan, "Lydia." 

Just hearing his voice made my heart ache. Now almost students saw my half-naked body. He tricked me into believing that he actually loved me. How stupid could I'd been? "No Ryan," I cut him off. "Get out of the room. I don't wanna see you. I hate you."

Ryan being Ryan and stubborn as always, he walked over to the side of my bed and sat down next to me. I felt his hand rub my back soothingly. "Lydia, you have to believe me, I didn't do it."

"Get your hand off me!" I yelled and pushed him away from me as I sat up on the bed. "I didn't know you were capable of doing a thing like such. To post a half-naked picture of me all over the main foyer." The tears didn't stop coming as I wiped it away from my cheeks with the sleeve of my shirt. "Do you know how much I hate you right now?"

Hurt flashed across his face and a tear slid down his left cheek. "Lydia, please," he pleaded as he stood there looking down at me

"Get out!" I shouted.

"Lydia, I was with you the whole time," he said coming closer to me. "How could I be posting pictures of you when I was at the camp sight with you?"

I stood up from my bed and pointed a finger at him. "Don't even dare to touch me again. You won my trust over to destroy me. What kind of a person does that?"

"Lydia, you have—"

"Don't even say my name you bastard. Get out!"

He did what he was told as he backed away and turned around to exit the room, leaving me to fall into another pool of tears. Why? Why did he do this to me? Maybe I did deserve this, but at least have empathy for me. I would never hurt someone this bad.

I'd been crying for hours and not a hour later, Jasmine came bursting through the door and grabbed me into a much-needed hug. "Oh babe."

"Why did he have to do this to me?" I asked crying into her shoulder.

She rubbed my back soothingly. "I don't know. Maybe someone is jealous of you and Ryan."

I wiped my tears and leaned away from her. "I know this is all Ryan's doings."

Jasmine looked at me so sadly that I had to avert my gaze away from her. "I disagree," she whispered. Then she added, "I know Ryan. He would never do something like this. I mean, I know he looks like he did it because he had the pictures, but he will never do something like this, not after he confessed his love to you."

She had a point but before he even knew me, he made my life miserable. He made me so mad to the level that I wanted to kill him. Looking back, it made sense. "He did because I didn't want to sleep with him. How could I be so blind?"

"Listen to yourself!" she shouted unintentionally as she stood up from the bed. "You sound ridiculous. I'm not saying that what he did in the past is okay, but he would never do something like this."

Huffing, I covered my face with my hands and groaned. "If he didn't do, then who?" I asked standing up from my bed. Then it hit me, back at the camp sight, those two... "I had two girls confronting me at the camp and telling me that if I don't leave Ryan, they'll do something to me."

That got her attention as her gaze snapped to mine. "Do you know these girls?"

I could remember the first girl when she came into my dorm, calling me cute and the second girl I threw out of the room. "I saw them a couple of times here," I confessed as I walked over to the bathroom to wash my face.

My Roommates A Player - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now