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Accepting the fact that I really liked Ryan was starting to sink in. He really made me smile even if he was still so annoying, he always found a way to make me smile. And he'd make sure whatever was bothering me, he would make sure I was okay.

He was snoring lightly, his eyelids closed, lips parted and he looked so peaceful. Ryan looked like a cute baby. Seeing the enormous teddy bear sitting in the corner of the tent, I smiled to myself and covered my face with my hands. I was happy and I fucking loved the feeling in my stomach.

Slowly and carefully getting up from hold his hold, I quietly unzipped the tent and got out making sure to grab my duffel bag in the process. The sun was rising slowly, giving the surroundings a perfect view. It was truly beautiful. I smiled all the way to the bathroom.

Spotting Jasemine's pink tent along with the other tents, looked like she was still sleeping so I happily made my way to the bathroom. Today, I wanted to surprise Ryan by making him breakfast. It was the least I could do after he went all the way out to whoo me.

Last night, we stayed up and burned marshmallows. It was such a perfect thing to do. We talked about random things, like what his favorite color was which was green and that he liked chocolate chip ice cream. He hated broccoli and gherkins. Ryan absolutely hated a cheeseburger with ketchup on. I found it funny really. Something we had in common was Ella Mai, he absolutely loved her music and that they shared the same birthday. I was mad, actually.

We made out for about an hour and then we went to sleep—that's how I woke up with a damn smile on my face. It was going to take awhile to get used to this feeling. But I loved it anyway and I wanted to keep going.

Walking into the bathroom, I was surprised to see no one in there so I walked over to the last stall and started the water. Undressing and getting comfortable, I stepped into the shower and let the hot water awaken my bare skin. Ryan and I were like fire and ice, yet we managed to make each other smile.

I was too stubborn to let him. And somehow we ended up on the side and I fucking loved it. After my shower, I grabbed the towel draped over the wall and wrapped it around my body. That's when I heard giggling and I stayed silent when I heard my name.

"That slut, Lydia is with Ryan," a voice said not too far away. "How will you get him back?"

"I don't know," another voice said but this one sounded very familiar. "But I think we should take care of her."

"No, that'll be too obvious."

"Yeah, you're right."

"Then, what do we do now?"

When I heard the voices fade, I took that as my cue to step out of the shower and hastily got dressed. I was in the process of leaving when the two girls stopped me from exiting the bathroom. "Hey," I greeted as a lame attempt to hide my fear. "What's up?"

The one girl looked very familiar with light brown skin, big brown eyes and beautiful black her. "Isn't this the bitch?"

Another girl came around the corner and nodded her head. Both of them looked really familiar but I couldn't place their names with their faces. "She is."

"Well, well," the blonde girl said by the door as she took a step closer to me. I flinched but kept my feet planted in the same place. "If it isn't the slut of the year."

Furrowing my eyebrows, I said, "I don't know what you girls want, but if it's money I can sort you out."

The brown skinned girl took a step closer next to the blonde friend, forcing me to step back and hit the wall behind me. What did this girls want from me?

"We don't want your filthy money," the blonde girl spat in disgust.

Her friend folded her arms across her chest. "We want Ryan."

Oh my God, seriously?

"Ryan and I aren't even—"

The blonde girl held her hand up, instantly silencing me. "I don't care if you're together or not. You will end things with him or we'll hurt you."

I didn't want any trouble or cause any trouble, so I nodded. "Okay, okay. I will end things with him."

"You will end things now, and move out of the tent."

They were being unreasonable right now and I'm sure they knew that. "Yes, I will end things with him," I confirmed and then added, "but I'm not moving from the tent. Where am I suppose to sleep? Because he's my roommate."

Brown skinned girl smiled at me which was kind of a creepy smile. "We'll see about that."

Without warning, I pushed past both of them and trudged my way to the tent. Why did they want me to end things with Ryan? Did they have some kind of relationship with him? On my way to the tent, I had to plan how I was going to 'breakup' with him, even though I didn't want to break his fragile heart.

I knew this was going to hurt. Both of us actually. They threatened me to do it so I didn't really have a choice. When I arrived at the tent, Ryan was wide awake, scaring the shit out of me. "Where have you been?"

Looking at him as he sat on the bed, hair disheveled and puffy blue eyes and beautiful tan body. I didn't reply as I set my duffel bag back into the corner of the next right next to the teddy bear.

Ryan sighed. "What's wrong?" he asked as he pulled the quilt off his body as he followed me outside the tent.

Staring at the lake in front of me, I inhaled sharply, the pain shooting right through my heat. "Ryan, please don't talk to me, don't look at me, don't smile at me, don't touch me, don't walk with me. Don't do anything with me, okay? I'm sorry, but we can't be friends."

He rushed to stand in front of me as I looked into those blue eyes. There was hurt in them, and I couldn't handle it. "No, yesterday you were fine with this, tell me, what happened?"

"Just drop it okay?" I snapped and out of the corner of my eye, I could see the two girls standing there, watching me like lions, eyes on their prey.

I rolled my eyes at him but he kept insisting, "please, do I have to beg from over? And that I will."

This was really difficult for me, and putting me in a real hard situation to decide what to do. The tears started to come out on their own accord before I could stop them.

"Lydia, what's—"

I slapped Ryan across the face causing this head to snap to the left. He brought his hand up to touch his cheek. "What fuck was that for?"

"It's over!" I yelled at him, making sure those two relationship-ruiners heard me. This was pain stinging way too much.



just when things got better for the two of them. lemme know what you think by dropping a comment or hitting the star button! thanks for reading!

you’re beautiful and that’s a fact, so slay.

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