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As soon as we pulled up into the driveway, I didn't even wait for the car to stop and I was out the passenger door. "Lydia!" Ryan scolded after me. "No wonder you don't have a driver's license!"

I rolled my eyes as I ran toward the house. It was typical American white house with a driveway, garage, living room, three bedrooms and a bathroom. Upon hearing our arrival, the front door swung open, revealing a middle-aged woman with short blonde hair, light brown eyes and tan skin.

She left the door as we ran into each other, and wrapped our arms around each other like we were years apart. Jennifer still smelled like honey and I loved it. "My baby girl," my mom said as she kissed the top of my bed.

"I've missed you so much," I said into her shoulder which was true because it was been seven months now. Just showed how time can fly.

Jennifer unwrapped herself from my hold and cupped my face in her hands. "I've missed you too," she confessed as she let her gaze look behind. "And with who did you come?"

"Some guy at college," I replied whisper. "My roommate."

Her eyes lit up upon hearing my words. "Oh, is he cute?"

I rolled my eyes and turned around to see Ryan taking our suitcases out of the trunk. After he materialized next to me, he outstretched his hand for my mom to shake. "Good afternoon Mrs. Ambrose, it's so lovely to meet you. I just wanna tell you how much of an angel your daughter is."

She grinned as she shook his hand. But startled him when she pulled him into a hug. "You're such a lovely boy. Welcome to the family!"

After their little moment, her eyes darted between the two of us. "What? He's not the boyfriend?"

Ryan proved himself so why not? I rolled my eyes playfully. "Yeah, he's the boyfriend."

He looked stunned because he turned to look at me. "I am?"

I grabbed his head and give him a noogie. "Yeah, boyfriend." He wrapped his arms around me and lifted me up before connecting our lips together.

It was pure pleasure to kiss him. I'd never thought of someone like this. He fought for me, he stuck to his promise to make me his and I never wanted this feeling in my stomach to go away.

Ryan was here to stay.

When he put me down, I wanted to grab the suitcases, he stopped me. "I'll carry them."

Then my mother felt the need to say, "and his a gentleman too."

And I knew what she meant by that so I rolled my eyes and made my into the house. Nothing has changed. There was a glass table in the middle of the living room surrounded my oak furniture and brown couches.

Leading Ryan to my room, he set the bags down on my bed as his gaze looked around my room. I walked over to my bureau as I took one of my baby doll collections.

"You still keep those?' Ryan asked as he stood next to me.

I turned around to look straight into his blue eyes. Then I smiled to myself. "Yeah. I remember when I was a kid, I always used to cry when my mother wanted to throw these away. Everytime I got into trouble, she'd threaten to throw my dolls away."

Ryan laughed as he wrapped his strong muscular arms around me and I wrapped my arms around his torso letting my head rest on his chest. His heartbeat was slow and steady. "You have a lovely room."

"You're not sleeping with me," I deadpanned as I felt his chest vibrate. "I mean, you're not sleeping with me. We have a guest room."

"I'm okay with that," he said as he pulled away and looked down at me. He placed his index finger and thumb under my chin, lifting my head up to stare into those amazing blue eyes. "Everytime I look into your eyes, I feel like I'm going crazy. All I ever want for you is to be happy."

My Roommates A Player - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now