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Even though Ryan said those words, I couldn't fully trust him. He lied so much to me that it's basically impossible for me to hear anything he has to say.

And I know that having fake sex with his best friend was also wrong, and somewhat twisted. But Ryan was just another person my heart felt something for and I was not going to deny that I felt something for him.

My life had gone to shit since I started attending Rosewood University. It was also a life learning experience for me, and as far as I knew—Ryan was still a dipshit.

He never changed. Last week he had a three different girls in the dorm room and I'd pleaded with him not to do that, yet he still executed his little fuck party. Life isn't easy, I got that, but I tried to explain it to him. He had so much bottled up emotions and problems that he shut everyone out. And sleeping with girls wouldn't make it better.

Now, as Hunter was lying ontop of me half naked with me in my undergarments, I felt guilty because Ryan was going to be pissed at both of us. This is going to hurt him real bad.

"Hunter, I think we should—"

Just when I was about to opt out from our deal, the dorm room flew open. "Hey Lydia, sorry I'm—"

"Shit," I cursed under my breath.

There was an awkward silence floating around the room, as Ryan tried to take in what was happening. I felt bad.

Ryan came standing next to the bed. "What the fuck is going on here? Lydia? Hunter... what? Oh my God."

"It's not what it looks like," Hunter tried to explain. Neither of us expected Ryan to be this mad.

He ripped Hunter off from me and threw him on the floor. "Yeah no shit it is," he snapped at his best friend.

I sat up and covered myself with the quilt. "Ryan! What's wrong with you?"

He ignored me as he pointed a finger at Hunter as he stood up from the floor. "I want you out," he growled so low, it sounded raw.

I could see Ryan was hurting but why didn't he open up to me? I liked him a lot, yet I didn't want to open myself to him. It was risky and I also didn't want to go through the same thing I went through with Jack. He claimed everytime that he changed, and everytime I found myself wanting to open, he would turn around to do the opposite.

He would do the exact same thing Jack would do. So what made Ryan any different? My heart couldn't get broken again by the same guy. There was no way I was going to let that happen. But that was extremely difficult when Ryan played with my heart strings.

Hunter wasted no time as he scrambled for his clothes as he looked at his best friend. "Bro, look, it's not what it looks like—okay I know what it looks like, but it's not like that. I would never do that to you. Come on man, you know me."

When Ryan started pacing around and Hunter took that as his cue to leave as he sent me an apologetic look. Once Hunter was out of the room, Ryan wasted no time to insult me. "I thought you were my fucking best friend."

Now he felt how I felt whenever he brought any random girl in our room though not sexually, but physically. It angered him to see me with a boy let alone if I brought it seven more boys.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I snapped at him for insulting me like that. "You can't just barge in here and tell me what to do! I don't jump into your sex life and wanting to know who you fuck."

Ryan scoffed as he ran his hands through his light brown hair, blue eyes dark with fury—I know that it was partially for his best friend.

"I know you do." 

Pulling the quilt tighter, I furrowed my eyebrows. "What?"

He pinched the bright of his nose. "You know that I like you, so why fuck my best friend? Have you no shame?"

"Wow," I breathed. "That's rich coming from the man-whore himself."

It was pointless arguing with him because this conversation was going nowhere. Maybe I was wrong for doing this but he needed to feel what I felt. "Man-whore?"

I gestured my hands toward him. "What do you call yourself then?"

He let out a bitter laugh as he walked over to his bedside. I rolled my eyes as I made my way to the bathroom but Ryan stopped me by grabbing my upper arm. I stared into his eyes, searching for anything but there was no message behind those blue eyes. "Maybe you deserve what's coming your way."

Now that hurt like a dagger stabbed into my heart. I blinked as I ripped my arm out of his hold. What a low move for him. We stared into each other's eyes, not one blinking. I slapped him across his face and he held his cheek, "fuck you, Ryan. I hate you."

With that being said, I walked into the bathroom and shut the door making sure to lock it. My mouth tasted of salt water and when I lifted my hand to touch my cheek, I'd been crying. I couldn't let him see me like this—so weak, vulnerable and exposed.

Ryan knocked on the door. "Lydia, I'm sorry," he apologized but I tried to pay him no mind. "I didn't mean what I said. Please know that I've grown to like you very much. It's just—I'm going through some shit right now and I'm taking my frustrations out on you." I tried not to whimper loud enough for him to hear. "Just know I'm deeply sorry."



ahh shame. i feel sorry for both of them.

you’re beautiful and that’s a fact, so slay.

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