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Ryan Collins had fallen in love with me. It was hard to believe because he was a damn sex god. He left me to think about my feelings and there was no denying that I liked him, so why should I hide from what I was feeling?

Mustering my remaining strength, I got up and grabbed my duffel bag, searching for my good stuff. This was too much to handle for me. It felt like I was going to die from pain, and this ache in my heart wasn't going to go away—that was guaranteed.

Jennifer still didn't know what was going on and I was afraid she'd freak out. She was very overprotective when it came to me, so I'd tell her when I was home. Also, I didn't know how I'd get home, but I just had to. A cab was way to much money.

This entire time I thought Ryan did this to me. But it was those two girls, I mean, I should've known from the get-go. Shaking my head, I pulled my hoodie over my head and stuffed my hands into its pockets.

I decided to take a walk outside for fresh air. I took the stairs and walked out of the main foyer. The street was dark, and empty—just like my soul—so I didn't mind walking alone.

When I reached the park, I took the nearest bench and took out my weed. Bringing the ready-made blunt to my lips, I lit it up with matches and inhaled deeply. I smoked for a long time until I felt my mind going haywire.

Ever since I came here to Rosewood University everything changed. My life hadn't been this complicated but I guess you learn as you grow. Jennifer had to look after me while my father was locked up. He deserved it anyway, but there was still a part of me that cared for him.

I didn't want to end up getting hurt again by Ryan. My previous boyfriend really hurt me and I caught him making out with some other girl. I'd been caring that ache since I found out.

It was unhealthy for me and I know I should've forgotten about it. Truth is, he was my first boyfriend and I didn't want to let him go. And I didn't want that to happen again, and suddenly the tears started running down my cheeks.

Leaning back against the bench, I let my mind take control as I relaxed. It felt like I was floating and everything around me—darkness—consumed me, and I let it because why not?

After hours of sitting, I strolled my way back to my dorm room. My feet felt heavy and so did my arms, but I loved it. I needed to get out of this place, and I didn't know if I'd ever come back.

"Ready to go?" Ryan asked as soon as I opened the dorm room door. His bags were already packed, right next to mine.

I rolled my eyes. "Ryan, you can't be serious. You know the rules, you can't come with me," I said closing the door and took my suitcases from my bed. "And thanks, by the way, for packing all of my shit."

He dismissed my statement as he took his own suitcases in his hands. "I know, and I want to be with you every step of the way. Period."

Ryan was doing things to me that Jack didn't even come close to. "I don't think this is a good idea. You're going to miss out work," I said trying to convince him to stay.

"I don't care," he snapped at me. "Let's go," he added walking past me. "My dad sent a car—also, why's your eyes red?"

Looking away from him as I dragged my suitcases out of the room. "Been crying," I lied. Well, it wasn't a complete lie. I did cry.

"What do you mean your dad sent a car?" I asked when we reached the main foyer. "I thought you grew up in a foster home?"

Ryan grinned at me. "So you do listen to me when I talk. I got adopted from a loving family and they're kinda rich, so yaay?"

I barked out laughing. "That's such a—"

"Mr. Collins," a familiar deep voice cut me off, "where do you think you're going?" Turning around to look at Principal Morris walking toward us. "You know the rules and I won't allow you to go without any solid reason."

To my surprise, Ryan scoffed and folded his arms across his chest. "I don't care about the stupid rules."

Principal Morris pointed to his suitcases. "Take your suitcases and go back to your dorm."

He surprised me again when he grabbed his suitcases and said, "no, I'm not going to. I'm going with my girl and there's nothing you can do about it. I'm in love with this girl and I'll do whatever it takes to make her mine."

"Mr. Adams, if you don't get bac—"

"You going to call my parents?" Ryan cut him off as he tilted his head to the side like a cute puppy. "Well, than do so, let's see how far it goes." 

Without warning, Ryan grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the foyer. He then ran back to get our suitcases, then he suddenly stopped, turned around and gave Principal Morris a nod. "Have a good evening, sir."



looks like things are working out between them, haha :)..

you’re beautiful and that’s a fact, so slay.

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