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An old man entered the graveyard during mid evening. He was the night guard of the Graveyard. He scrutinized the Graveyard and was about to retire to the Guard's shedroom, when...


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He was shocked and scared out of his wits, on hearing the thud sounds in the graveyard, where no other soul was expected except for him.

He at first stood frozen to his spot, then slowly regained his courage and looked around and realised it was coming from one of the graves.

At first he was sceptical, frightened. But then he rushed to the old graveyard guard shedroom and took a strong spade. Then he rushed back to where the thuds were coming from and started removing the soil ferociously.

He dug open the grave and found the thud sound was coming from inside a newly buried coffin. He immediately broke the coffin lid screws with the spade itself, since unscrewing would have taken too much time and enough time for unscrewing wasn't in hands, for the occupant inside was buried alive and could give up on life any moment. He flung open the coffin lid.

To his surprise, a young man was buried alive in it, and was gasping for air and writhing violently.

The graveyard guard immediately called police and they took the young man, who was buried alive, to the hospital. Doctors put him in ventilation ASAP. And started treatment to revive him des

 And started treatment to revive him des

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Police inspector Zéwú-Jūn, who was on duty at that time and in charge of the case, instructed the doctor to let him know as soon as the victim regained consciousness.



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