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"I have come to surrender. I don't trust anyone else, so I came to you. I killed some people. I am ready to go serve in prison or face death sentence. I don't care. Just arrest me."

"You did what was needed to be done. Now go, and live a free life."

Zewu Jun said. Wei Ying chuckled at his words.

"Free life!!?! "

He said in a sarcasm.

"That meant a lot to me before. I craved for it. Now, I detest it. I hate it. Just arrest me. I don't need your advice. I am grateful for your helps, but with due respect, I have nothing else to live for."

"You have. Your orphaned niece, Jiang Yanli. Who will take care of her!??Have you ever thought of that!!?? "

Wei Wuxian looked downcast. Zewu Jun sighed hard.

"Her mother had great hopes on you. Trust on you. One time, when I met her, she said if she ever leaves this world, she would trust only you with her Yanli. May be she already knew her future. So, go and fulfill her last wish. Take care of your niece. "

"I am sure, court will find a way for her. She is the heir of a huge property. I am sure she will be safe. Plus Miss. Bicao...."

"Exactly, she is the heir of a huge property, just like you. Have you ever thought, same thing that happened to you, can happen to her. And Miss. Bicao will be as helpless as before. She is a kid, and a girl on that. What if her relatives turn out to be like Jiang Wanyin!?? Or worse, kill her for the property. Or sell her to the brothel.... "

"SHUTTTT UPPPP!!! How dare you, say likewise for my Ah Li!!"

Wei Wuxian screamed holding Zewu Jun's collars. Zewu Jun calmly released himself and looked up with confident eyes.

"You might not like to hear it, but it's a possibility. Nobody knows that better than you. It's your decision now. You want to leave her on her own, unprotected, defenseless, vulnerable to be a victim, to start up another Hate Story or take her under your wings, love and care and let her flourish. Your call. "

Wei Wuxian thought for few seconds, then looked up at Zewu Jun with uncertain gaze.

"But what about my confession to you just now!?!"

"You said nothing, I heard nothing. I will help get you a clean chit from the court. And also reclamation on your property, and custody of Jiang Yanli. I know just the best attorney for the job."

"Fine. But Ah Li witnessed me killing her father. She hates me. What if she tries to run away or something and falls into a bigger trouble!!"

"First get possession of what belongs to you. Freedom, Property and Jiang Yanli. Rest leave to me."


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