13 🧚‍♀️BABY🧚‍♀️

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Wen Qing conceived within a month.

And she confined foremost to Wei Ying about it

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And she confined foremost to Wei Ying about it. Wei Ying and her friendship was getting deeper in secrecy. He had slowly started opening up to her. Though he rarely spoke, except yes or no, or a nod, and occasional smiles. But whenever Wen Qing met Wei Ying, both cheered and became jolly and radiant.

Wen Qing would keep talking and sharing everything about her life and about the world, Wei Wuxian didn't know much about. And, Wei Wuxian would listen, silently smiling occasionally. Of course that smile had different emotions at different times.

Sometimes happiness
Sometimes sadness
Sometimes pure joy or fun.
And, sometimes craving.

Wei Ying had, for the first time, found the taste of friendship in his life. Found a confidant, a sister, a supporter. If viewed from his prospective, Wen Qing was the first person he got in his life. The first someone of his life. He was scared but also thrilled and very happy to have her in his life. They became each other's strong support system.

They met each other almost every day in the garden. They became so fast friends, that the whole time each day, they awaited to meet each other, specially Wei Wuxian. Miss. Bicao, of course, kept a sharp look out for anybody, family members or guards, watching them or witnessing their happy times, to report to Jiang Cheng.

 Bicao, of course, kept a sharp look out for anybody, family members or guards, watching them or witnessing their happy times, to report to Jiang Cheng

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And whenever, she felt even slightly threatened or suspicious in the least, either Wen Qing immediately left or Wei Wuxian retired back to his room. And, their friendship safely moved forward, under the scrutinizing gaze and protecting aura of Miss Bicao and deep trust and understanding of Wen Qing & Wei Ying.

Jiang Cheng was too busy with his work, life and sex life with Wei Ying, to notice or give company to Wen Qing. But she was provided with every thing else, in the best ways. The best doctor. The best medical attention. Everything, except Jiang Wanyin's company or time.

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