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Mature content between Wei Ying and Jiang Cheng. Plz don't read, if you can't handle.


[Continuation from Chapter 3,
💕BEAUTIFUL💞...... ]


Jiang Cheng took over all responsibility or rather control of Wei Ying's life.

Which school he would go? What he would eat, drink!!! Even the air that Ying breathed was restricted by Jiang Cheng or as the world called him

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Which school he would go?
What he would eat, drink!!!
Even the air that Ying breathed was restricted by Jiang Cheng or as the world called him..

Wei Wuxian became like a lonely angel confined in Jiang Cheng's golden prison. Wherever Wuxian went, he was accompanied by a guard. He was forced to wear a mask everywhere, to hide his face from other people. No one was allowed to witness Wei Wuxian's beautiful face, except JC.

Wuxian was prohibited from talking to anyone, having friends or even acquaintances

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Wuxian was prohibited from talking to anyone, having friends or even acquaintances. Only allowed to interact with teachers, that too when necessary. Wuxian was forbidden from any contact to any other soul on the earth except JC.

Also, JC took Wuxian every where with himself. Foreign tours, exotic hotels with exotic foods, cruises, shopping. But Wuxian was forbidden from enjoying anything, anywhere. It was an unsaid rule, that Wuxian had to accept whatever JC bought for him, eat what JC ordered for him, stay where JC allowed him and ect.

JIANG CHENG brought branded clothes from fashion designers for Wuxian and himself, of of course His (JC's) choice. He collected rarer of the rarest jewelry for Wuxian, of his choice. Ordered exotic dishes for Wuxian, of his choice.

All in all, from outside, Wuxian was having a life, others only dreamt off. But the bitter truth was, it was a prisoner's life. Wei Wuxian or Wei Ying, as everyone allowed near him, called him, wasn't allowed in parties, celebrations, school functions or family gatherings, or any kinda social gathering with familiar crowd, where people may interact with Ying/Wuxian or vice verse.

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