Belle and Adam in love

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By Afternoon, Belle was dressed in a yellow ballgown and walked around the bedroom worried.

Belle thought, "How am I going to do this? Everyone will know I'm a fake. They'll throw me in the dungeon in two seconds flat! Oh Eric, where are you? Why aren't you here?"
The tension broke when Ratcliffe came inside. "Your most beautiful, Highness."
Thomas barked at Ratcliffe after that compliment.
"What's this stupid cat doing here?" He asked.
"He belongs to me!" Belle said furiously.

Ratcliffe apologized but was confused where the white cat that was Duchess went. "Oh! He's yours, is he? Well, a thousand apologies, my lady. Such a canine feline. What happened to the other one?"
Belle said nervously.  "Uh... she's around here somewhere."
He told her that she had to see the King.
"I see. So rare. that you're apart. The queen has sent me to escort you to meet the king."
"Uhh... Thank you." Belle thanked him nervously.
"I appreciate your understanding, Your majesty." King Adam said confidently to the queen.
"Likewise, King Dominick. I apologize for my daughter's little delay in the wedding plans. But it's all  sorted out now." Queen lillian Added.

Ratcliffe announced Belle in disguise of the Princess's arrival.
"May I announce, Princess Cinderella."
The queen greeted her daughter's presence.
"Hello, Darling. Come, come. I want to introduce you to King Dominick. He has something he wants to tell you." She then went to look for her glasses. "Where are my spectacles?
The Princess and the king walked to each other and introduced themselves."I'm honored."
"The honor's mine, King Adam." Belle said as she curtsied.
"Please, just call me Adam." He told her informally.
"Oh, call me bell... I mean Anneliese. Princess Cinderella. She said correcting herself.
"That's my name."
They looked at Thomas who was barking and meowing to get the king's attention.
Adam looked and him and caressed the cat.
"I hope his bark is bigger than his bite."
Belle saw Thomas licking the hand of Adam and said, "He likes you."
"I'm sure you're wondering why I disguised myself as a page. I wanted to meet you without all this ceremony. To get to know the real you." Adam said.
Belle nervously agreed.
Queen Lillian goes to the piano and requested Adam to play a song. "King Adam, would you do us the honor of playing the piano? I know you love music."
"You do?" Belle asked.
"I will, if the princess agrees to sing with me." He added.
Belle said in a dreamily voice, "Sing with you." No, I couldn't." She said snapping back to reality.
"Something tells me you have a wonderful voice." The king reassures her.

They walked to the piano and Adam starts playing.
Belle sang the verse.
"Once a lass met a lad. "You're a gentle one" said she. In my heart I'd be glad if you loved me for me." The song caught the hearts of Lilian and Jaq expect for Ratcliffe who was suspicious.
"You say your love is true and I hope that it will be."
Adam sang after her.
"I'd be sure, if I knew that you loved me for me."
The two of them walked at the courtyard and Belle sang.
"Could I be the one you're seeking? Will I be the one you choose? Can you tell my heart is speaking? My eyes will give you clues."
"What you see may be deceiving, truth lies underneath the skin." Adam sang. He saw a lovely yellow orchid and he gave her.
Belle sang on.
"Hope will blossom by believing"
Belle and Adam hoth sang the verse, "The heart that lies within"

Adam sang as he balled fetch with Thomas.
"I'll be yours. Together we shall always be as one, if you love me for me."
From the castle balcony, Ratcliffe was spying on the two.

Both Belle and Adam sang the last verse of the song
"Who can say where we'll go? (I'll be yours. Together we shall always be as one) Who can promise what will be... But I'll stay by your side if you love me for me."
They both sang the ending part.
"If you love me for me."

"Breath-taking." Adam said as they looked at the sunset from the castle courtyard.
"The prettiest sunset I've ever seen." Belle added.
Adam tells Belle something that made her heart beat.
"There's something about you. You're honest. no pretenses. I like that."
He stood up and greeted her goodbye to leave. "Until tomorrow, Your Highness."
Belle was confused and worried,"Honest"? "No pretenses"? Oh Thomas, Eric and the princess are still missing. And I think I'm falling in love with the king.

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