Chapter One

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Midnight falls over me,
Coming down like water...
Throwing these ashes out to the sea,
And it's taken so long.
Breaking these bones,
Breaking these bones, won't grow old.


"Are you happy now, hero?" Dabi's question is low and flat to mask the churning currents of emotions that roil just underneath his skin. "Are you happy that you got the big bad guy locked up?" He enunciates the last word, the 'p' pops in the relative silence of the room.

He's careful to keep hold of his mask, the only thing that he even has anymore in terms of control. For once, his quirk is nullified and it leaves him with a foreign and empty feeling of just... nothingness. There is no internal feeling of his fire coursing through his veins and settling throughout his body. There's no feeling of a ticking bomb that's slowly counting down in his head. There's no need for him to keep his emotions in check, lest he suffers the wrath of his own fire.

There is simply nothing.

He wonders if this is what victims to All for One feel like. Worthless, helpless and nothing. Their sense of identity, taken away without even a blink of an eye or a second thought. He has to bow his head to hide a sick smile, knowing that he, Shigaraki, Mister Compress had done the very same thing to Overhaul just months prior. It's a sick game of power that's always shifting and churning, just like an ocean. For now, he may be locked up and awaiting trial but he knows that somewhere out there- the rest of The League of Villains are continuing on with their own plan.

Afterall, it had been all part of the plan that he, himself, had brought to the table to get caught so easily. Being second in command to the notorious League of Villains will easily land him a spot in Tartarus, giving him the perfect opportunity to break out the long detained members of the League and also breaking out All for One for added measure. For now, he has to play the card he was given and to be careful to not show the ace that he has hidden up his sleeve.

So while he may be vastly uncomfortable with the ever presence of numbness that takes hold of him, leaving him almost shivering against the now chilly and stagnant air of the room- Dabi'll be fine. His plans have shifted slightly but he knows that in the long run, what he seeks will be carried out for him by the rest of The League of Villains. They had promised him that. Shigaraki had promised him that before he had allowed himself to get caught and throwing their plan into action.

He closes his eyes, and focuses on the cold metal of the chair. He only has four months while in Tartarus to do the last of his recruitment until The League of Villains are ready for their own part. A part that, sadly, he will not be participating in.

It's no hidden secret that he's now singing his own swan song as he starts to wither away. Going up against his estranged father now would be futile. In that aspect, he's totally powerless and weak and would be snuffed out within a stuttering heartbeat. Instead, he's found refuge at the thought that he'll still get his chance to go out with a bang. Their plan is foolproof, Dabi has to tell himself. In the final act of his sad life, he'll get to take the starring role that he had been denied. All eyes will be on him and his name upon everyone's tongue. A glorious way to go out and as he crumbles to smoldering ash and disperses into the breeze, he will never be forgotten.

His name will still be written down in history along with the rest of The League. Toga had promised him to leak everything as soon as he sets everything into motion. In death, he will still bring down Endeavor. He will reach his hands out and wrap them around his father's neck. He will ensure that his life and death as a villain will weigh so heavily around Endeavor's neck that the sheer weight of his mistakes and transgressions will break the man's neck as he drags that man down to hell; Dabi will ensure that then and only then, he will have Endeavor witness the absolute pain and fear and hatred that he had wrought onto his own family.

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