Chapter Fifteen

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Son, Wife of Number One Hero: TRAITORS?
Todoroki Rei, Natsuo seen with KNOWN VILLAINS
January 18 may have seemed like a normal day for the citizens of Musutafu, but the events that happened that day were FAR from "normal!"
At 8:30pm, an alarm sounded in Musutafu Private Psychiatric Hospital, signalling a break-in! According to various witnesses on the scene, a fight had broken out between the nation's "beloved" hero, Endeavor, and the League of Villains' very own Shigaraki Tomura!
In the exclusive 'TANOMU!' insider scoop, we heard that Todoroki Natsuo, Endeavor's middle child was seen with the criminal during the showdown!
Todoroki Rei, a patient at the hospital and Natsuo's mother, jumped into the middle of the fight to save her son. With ILLEGAL Quirk usage, she created a diversion allowing her son to escape with Shigaraki!
Then, the pair found Dabi, a Lieutenant of the League of Villains, and broke him out of the hospital. He'd only been admitted to the hospital for a short, peaceful time. NOW, he's back on the streets to continue his reign of TERROR.
Chaos broke out inside the hospital as walls were destroyed in the aftermath of the fight! 'TANOMU!' couldn't get the final numbers, but we know at least 23 were injured.
Endeavor ran after his son and the villains in hopes to catch them and put a stop to their horrific crimes. But, his son pulled out a gun and SHOT HIS FATHER WITH A QUIRK-ERASING BULLET! Endeavor FROZE UP, allowing the villains to escape!
Channel 6 News was following the villains for live coverage, but their entire news helicopter seems to have gone missing. The families of the missing newscasters have come forward, begging for information, but NO ONE has answers!
Todoroki Rei and Natsuo, along with the League of Villains' Dabi and Shigaraki, STILL REMAIN AT LARGE.
In light of this HORROR, many civilians are rallying that Endeavor's youngest, Todoroki Shouto, be EXPELLED FROM YUUEI! The Todorokis seem to breed villainy, and people are worried that Shouto is no different!
This has only caused MORE BACKLASH for the private hero school, Yuuei, who has found itself in COUNTLESS SCANDALS since last April.
Are your children safe, ANYWHERE?-

The slim magazine is taken out of Natsuo's hands. Glancing up, Shigaraki holds it from one of the corners- pinkie carefully held up. Ruby red flicks from the magazine and to Natsuo with a small frown. Since yesterday, Natsuo had been working around the clock to nurse Shigaraki- much to the kingpin's chagrin. Each time Natsuo would fret over him, Shigaraki would simply answer in grunts and soft complaints.

Despite Shigaraki's best efforts, Natsuo had been able to keep him on bedrest duty. True to Shigaraki's earlier words, Natsuo is tenacious.

"Why are you reading this shit?" Shigaraki asks quietly. Natsuo looks down to the hands carefully clasped in his lap. "You know this is just going to eat at you." Shigaraki drawls, placing his pinkie down against the magazine and it explodes into a soft cloud of ashes. Natsuo's eyes watch the dancing dust, frowning as it settles on the top quilt. How can Shigaraki be expected to heal when he's in a bed covered in the ashen remains of some sleazy magazine that Natsuo had found on the bar counter.

"Just... y'know, wanted to keep up with the news." Natsuo weakly replies, standing up from the bed and takes the quilt from the bed. "Honestly, you could've just tossed the magazine instead of making a mess." Natsuo puts all of his focus on folding the dusty quilt, ignoring his trembling hands before he casts the quilt in the corner piled with dirty laundry. He can still see the now dulled blood stained clothes and he feels sick to his stomach.

There's a moment of silence from the man behind him before Shigaraki clears his throat.

"Come here." Glancing over his shoulder, Natsuo sees Shigaraki shifting over enough for Natsuo to lie down next to him. He doesn't want to lie down, Natsuo wants to figure out what to do with his life. No doubt, he's long lost his job- probably banned from ever working in the medical field ever again. He's lost his family, save for Dabi. Natsuo supposes that he should be thankful for having Dabi back in his life, he had missed his brother very dearly- his brother that had always been his greatest hero. Knowing that Dabi is safe is enough to grant him some sort of respite because life as Natsuo had known it, had quickly flipped upside down; leaving him to deal with the vertigo that looms around him.

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