Chapter Ten

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Time is running out. Natsuo forces himself to walk briskly down the hospital, his footsteps echo off the bare walls and waxed linoleum. His shift had ended ten minutes ago, it's been another quiet night and Natsuo isn't complaining about that. Less people means the less chance he has of getting caught. Hefting the backpack up on his shoulder, Natsuo pushes forward.

He curses under his breath as he looks around for any patients or hospital staff. Normally, he'd be on the train back home for a relaxing two days off before he has to go back to the hospital. Typically, he would be sitting in his usual spot with headphones in and his head resting against the cool window, watching the landscape fly by. Sadly for Natsuo, tonight is not a normal night for him.

Working under pressure is something that Natsuo can deal with. He works in a hospital, it's expected to keep a level head when it comes to stress. What sets him on edge is the knowledge of the stolen medical supplies he has in his backpack. Tightening his grip on the strap, he gives a passing doctor a wobbly smile.

"Ah, Doctor Horikoshi! Another quiet night, yeah?" The slender man stops and turns to face him. He can feel his smile waver under the doctor's gaze so he gives him a little wave. The doctor is wearing a facemask but the corners of his eyes crinkle from a smile.

"Yes. Very nice and quiet." He softly agrees, his voice is hardly above a whisper. "If you'll excuse me, I've matters at hand." At that, Doctor Horikoshi continues to walk down the corridor and turns to enter one of the rooms. Natsuo listens as the door shuts behind the strange doctor. Shaking his head, he turns back and continues to make his way to the elevator.

Natsuo pulls out his phone and sends off a quick text message, his thumbs are trembling just slightly as they fly across the warm glass screen of his phone. Just as he pockets the phone, the elevator gives off a soft ring as it arrives on the first floor. This time, Natsuo does smile. He's so close to getting out of the hospital. No matter how many times he's done this over the course of two weeks, he's still gripped by the paranoia of being caught.

Bidding the front receptionists a cheerful wave goodbye, he walks outside. Finally, Natsuo feels like he can breathe. Taking in deep breaths of the cold winter air, he watches his breath rise in white puffs before disappearing. Running a hand through his hair, he nervously chuckles and sits down on one of the benches.

Natsuo almost stands up again when he sees a van turn the corner but it's not the one that Spinner had told him to look for. Clicking his tongue, he crosses his legs. Just as his phone gives off a soft buzz, someone taps him on the shoulder. Natsuo bites down his tongue to keep himself from letting out a shout and turns around.

"Fuyumi?" His older sister smiles softly at him and she sits down next to him.

"Hi Natsu. Mom and I haven't heard from you in awhile. I just got off from work and I knew that this is normally the time you get off so I wanted to just check up to see that you're doing okay." Natsuo wants to scream in frustration. He had been so busy trying to keep everything under wraps and pretend that everything is normal but at the same time, he had forgotten to keep up with his family. He rubs the back of his neck sheepishly and shrugs.

"Yeah, sorry Yumi. Things have just been pretty busy at work lately and I've been so tired." He manages to mumble, watching as another vehicle pass by. Natsuo begins to tap his finger against the backpack that's on his lap. On all nights, Spinner has to choose this one to take his time.

"Maybe it's time to take some time off." Fuyumi replies, her turquoise eyes seem to shine under the streetlamp. "I'm really worried. You look so tired." She reaches forward and rests a cold hand against his forehead.

"Y'know, you can't really check if I have a fever when your hand is colder than Eminem's rap game. All you're gonna do is give me frostbite." Fuyumi gives an audible huff and retracts her hand. "I know you're worried. I'm sorry for being a shitty brother. It's just been a stressful..." He waves his hand in a vague gesture and thankfully, Fuyumi nods in understanding.

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