Chapter Thirty-Two

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"C'mon, stay with me, you dumb bird." A voice swims through Keigo's hazy consciousness. Admittedly, Keigo doesn't remember much from the journey from his spot beneath a barren wisteria tree to the small drafty home that Touya found.

He's getting tired of being looked at and feebly pushes away Touya's hand. Keigo's wings flap weakly and all it does is kick up a thick blanket of dust. In front of him, Touya starts to wheeze and splutter against the dust. Keigo's nose starts to run and he can't help but to sneeze all over the place. His wings spasm with each sneeze, making more dust dance through the stale and thick air.

A purple mottled hand shoots out and grabs hold of one of Keigo's wings, holding it still.

"Stop." Touya wheezes. "Stop flapping your damn wings all over the place, I'm gonna die."

"You're not going to die, it's just dust." Keigo manages to speak between sneezes. His eyes are watery and Touya is nothing but a blurry figure in front of him. He tries to push Touya away again but he's too weak to fight back.

"I have asthma, you asshole." Touya jolts to his feet and stumbles to the door. When he opens the door, a cold gust of winter air blows through the rundown shack. Keigo knocks his head against the wall and closes his eyes, listening to Touya gulp in breaths of the crisp mountain air. He sighs, the cold air feels so nice against his fevered skin. His mind is muddled and it takes Keigo a few seconds to process what Touya had just said.

"If you have asthma, why in the hell do you smoke?" Keigo asks incredulously, cracking open his good eye. Touya is resting a hand against the doorframe for support and looks over his shoulder to him. All Touya does is shrug before looking back outside, taking in another deep breath.

"I like to live spicy sometimes." Touya answers, Keigo can't help but to roll his eyes with a huff.

"You're so stupid." Keigo mumbles, closing his eyes again. This time, he starts to drift off. Even when Touya nudges him to stay awake, Keigo can't fight the heaviness in his lids.

"What the hell did you do to him?" A reedy thin voice cuts through Keigo's consciousness. Keigo doesn't open his eyes and furrows his brows. He doesn't bother to open his eyes, he's still tired and he knows that once he draws attention to himself, Spinner will be fretting over him. That's the opposite of what Keigo wants, he's tired of being handled like a fragile Fabergé egg.

"I told you what happened. It ain't my fault." Touya replies quietly. There's a shuffle of boots and a loud scuffle with both men cursing at each other.

"What the fuck? Spinner, get the fu-" A loud slap reverberates through the drafty shack and Touya falls silent. Keigo opens his good eye and sees Touya holding his cheek in shock and staring at Spinner with wide eyes. Spinner's back is to Keigo and when he starts to turn, Keigo quickly shuts his eye again.

"Do you even understand anything that goes on around you? Or are you really just so damn dense that you can't? Do you know how much it pisses me off to see you go around treating everyone like they're expendable? Especially after Shigaraki, Takami and your brother risked their lives to break you out of the hospital. Even when your mother kept your father from doing god knows what to you four during the breakout... you still treat them all like shit. It's like you don't even want to realize how much people around you care so much for you because you have your head stuck so far up your ass." Spinner shouts at Touya. There's a stomping of boots that stop right in front of Keigo. His breath catches in his throat, Keigo has to remind himself to act natural and still pretend to sleep.

"Do you even know how much he loves you? He risked everything for you and you still just went and set him on fire? This isn't some sort of video game, dude. Everyone around you has feelings. Like, damn, would you even mourn for any of us if we died in front of you? Would you care if it was Takami or Twice or Toga that died in your arms? It's like you don't even think about any consequences and just go through your life acting like a little bitch. Get your damn life together and learn to treat people around you better."

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