please no

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"Bella come on we are going to be late!" I heard a car pull up. "I'm outside! Hurry!" I opened the door and ran into Edward. "Oof." I said falling back. He hurry and caught me.

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine." I said waving him off. "Why are you here?"

"I'm here to take Bella to school." I raised my brow.

"Really ok. Well she's inside." I got in my truck and went to school. I pulled in and went into my group of friends. Eric pushed some thing into my hands. I took it and looked at it. "Monte Carlo?" I asked in confusion.

"Yes! That's are prom theme! I just can't believe it!" Jess said.

"It's fine Jess you will still look smoking hot. No matter what the theme is!" Jess came and hugged me.

"This is why your my favorite." She let go and poked me and pointed. I turned and looked. There was Bella and her lover boy. Yuck. School went slowly. After school I drove to Jake's house. I went around the garage to find Jake. I found him, Quil, and Embry there. "Knock, knock!" I said as i walked in.


"Hey everyone what's up?"

"Nothing much. Just talking about school."

"Sounds like fun!"

"Oo ya so much fun." I went and turned a bucket over and sat on it.

"Hey that could have had something in it."

"Jake calm down. There was nothing in it."

"I know but what if?" He smiled. His perfect white teeth smile. I rolled my eyes.

"So how's the car coming?"

"It's a piece of junk." Embry yelled. Jake tackled him.

"Quil 10 bucks on Jake."

"Your on!" Make bets with the boys was really fun but maybe that's because most the time I win. We watched them fight. Than Jake pinned Embry down.

"Alright it's not a piece of junk!"

"10 bucks please." Quil slapped it in my hand. "Lets go to the beach." I grabbed the soccer ball and went went down the path. "Ok let's pick teams."

"I want sammy!" Embry yelled.

"No fair I wanted her!" Jake said shooting daggers at Embry.

"Sorry Jakey. He called me." We all got ready and started playing. My team ended up winning.

"You cheated."

"I did not Jake! Not my fault you suck."

"Ooo really?"

"Yep." He scooped up some wet sand and throw it at me. I throw some back. Long story short. We ended up with sand all over us. "Thanks Jake. Do you know how long it will take to wash this out?" I asked walking to my truck.

"Um like 10 minutes?"

"Umm no."

"I'm sorry. Do you forgive me?" He asked putting his buttom lip out.

"Yes I forgive you. I'll see you guys later." I said waving and getting in my truck. I texted my dad telling him that I'm just going to go home. They were going to the dinner but I just wanted to go home. I got in the shower and did my thing. It took me 30 minutes to take a shower. Than I went to bed. I woke up in a good mood. Maybe because it was the weekend. I got dressed and went down stairs. I saw Charlie cleaning a shot gun. I went and leaned over his shoulder. "You missed a piece." I said pointing to a piece.

"Oo ya well why don't you clean it because I did a horrible job." He said winking.

"I think I will." I sat and started cleaning it. While we teased each other. Than Bella came down.

"I have a date with Edward Cullen." Charlie  looks like he's going to have  an aneurysm. I almost spit my drink out from laughing. Where's the  popcorn?

"He's too old for you." I was almost on the ground rolling.

"We're both juniors. I thought you liked the Cullens." Really Bella he is like 120 years old.

"And I thought you weren't interested in any of the boys in town." Ya why couldn't she like Mike?

"Edward doesn't live "in town." And it's in the early stage and - - whatever, he's outside right now."

"Now? He's out there?"

"He wants to meet you. Officially." 

"Good." He cocks the rifle. To bad that wouldn't kill him.

"Be nice, okay? He's... important." Charlie give bella a reassuring nod as she opens the door revelling Edward.

"Chief Swan. I wanted to formally introduce myself. I'm Edward."  Edward extended  his hand. Charlie took it, and grunts a hello. "I won't keep Bella out late tonight. We're just going to go play baseball with my family."

"Bella's going to play baseball?" Bella's looked surprised than hided it. Bella playing sports. I thought laughing. 

"Yes, sir, that's the plan."

"Well. More power to you, I guess."

"She'll be safe with me, sir." He left and my dad held Bella back.

"You got that pepper spray?" This was to much I busted out laughing. My dad shot me a look.


"You girls don't know when pepper spray can come in handy." I got up. Well I'm going to go up stairs.

"Have fun you guys." I called as I went up stairs. I turned my radio on and finished Paula's painting. After awhile I got bored. So I went down stairs. "Hey dad wanna play a card game."



"Yep your on." We both headed Bella's truck pull in. She came in.

"Please don't do this."

"It's over." They broke up? As Bella and Charlie talked. I went outside. I went and got in her truck. I knew he would come back. He got in the truck and turned towards me. Bella came right behind him.

"What in the hell is going on?" I asked as Bella took off towards the Cullen's house.

"A tracker is wanting me."  Great just what we all needed.

A/N So I'm going to skip a bit to New Moon. But thanks for all the support!

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