here comes the crazy

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I taped up the last box. In a few minutes the wolf pack would be coming to help me load everything. I looked around my room. It was so empty. It seemed as if I hadn't even lived here. Tears stung in my eyes. Memorys came flooding back. All the years spent here in this room, house, town. It hurt knowing I would be leaving in just a short time.

"Sam your friends are here to help!" Dad yelled up the stairs.

"Ok be down in a second!"  I walked down stairs.

"Hey Sammy! We brought the muscles!" Embry said while making some muscles. I laughed at him.

"Well all the boxes are up stairs. Just let me back my truck up to the house."

"I can do that." Paul said.

"No way you are not  going to touch my truck." I said running and grabbing my key before Paul could. I backed it up and we started putting boxes in the bed. A couple hours later we had almost all the boxes in my truck. "Lets take a break for lunch. I made some pulled pork for sandwiches." All the boys came running. Emily was already in the kitchen. "How is it? I know it's  not as goods at Emily's but I tried."

"It's really good Sammy!"

"Your going to leave this here right so I won't starve for a bit?"

"Yes dad what's ever left is yours." I said laughing. All to soon we were done, but we were all messing around out side. Rachel was here too. It was good to see and chat with her.

"Sammy please don't hate me after this." Embry said.

"I can't hate you."

"Ok rember that." He said as he scooped me up and over his shoulder.

"Embry let me go!" I said laughing. I thought that he was trying to be funny. But he didn't even laugh. He just keeped running into the woods. "Ok Embry, this isn't funny! Put me down." I started wiggling around.

"Come on Sammy we are almost there." A few minutes passed. Than he put me down.

"Ok now what?" He turned me around. There stood Jake. In a tight black shirt, shorts and no shoes. "Take me back right now." I tried to walk around Embry but he wouldn't let me. He keeped cutting in front of me. I looked for another way to escape. But no the whole pack had surrounded us. The were far back enough that it gave us space but close enough that I couldn't  run. "How much did he pay you?"

"20 bucks but it was also Sam's order."

"I'm going to kill each and every one of you." I hissed through clenched teeth. I turned and saw Jacob looking very nervous. He should be. "What do you want Jacob?" He came forward. He stayed a couple feet away.

"I came to say I'm so sorry."

"Your not sorry. If you said it like you did, it was true!"

"I know I hurt you."

"You have no damn clue how much you hurt me!"

"I do a little bit. We are connected by imprint so what you feel I feel." I smiled a bitter sweet smile  a disbelieving smile.

"You can never feel how bad you hurt me. So don't even go there."

"Sammy it was the pain talking."

"Sammy it was the pain talking." I mimicked his voice. "I've heard that before. I've also heard I won't do it again Sammy. I promise."


"I'm not finished." I cut him off. He looked surprised. I heard Leah snort. "I'm tired of it Jacob. I worry about going to see my friends because I'm scared I'm going to see you! It's crazy that I have to do that!  I'm done. Tomorrow I'm going to college. Maybe during that time you can pull your head out of your butt, because I'm not going to do it anymore. If I want to see my friends I'm going too. Got it?"

"I got it Sammy. But what do I need to do to show that I'm sorry?" Tears ran down his face. Good he deserved to cry. Just as I had done.

"Right know there is nothing you can do. That might be forever. I need time and so do you because Bella's married now. You can't have her." He fell on his knees. Like I had broken him. "Good bye Jacob." I walked to where Paul was standing guard. He tried to stop me but on look form me he let me go. Well I had left him with a bang.

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