wedding bells

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"Deep breaths Sammy." Leah reminded me to breath.

"Right um breathing." I did some breaths.

"The wedding will be perfect!" Emily said behind me doing my hair.

"They're  right Sam." Rose said doing my make up. You would think I wouldn't be nervous but I was. What if he left? What if he wasn't there?

"Baby girl you look perfect." Charlie claimed.

"Thanks Dad."

"Sammy Paul just texted me and said that Jake was in his place." I smiled happily. Now as long as he doesn't run we will be ok.

"Ok time to go." Alice said happily. I had let her and Emily plan the wedding. In the first time wolfs and vampires were getting along. Sam had allowed that Alice could cross the border to help plan. He also let them come to the wedding. We had decided to have it at the beach. Charlie took my hand and led me to the car. We made it to the beach in no time.

"Ok so Emily you walk down with Sam. Rose you are going to wait 10 seconds. And then start down with Quil. Leah wait 10 seconds then you and Embry will go. Now Sam and Charlie wait for 20 seconds then you can go. Ok?" A series of oks and yeps were said.

I watched as Leah and Embry went and counted for 20 seconds. We made our way down. There were benches  where our guest sat. It was a small wedding we really only wanted the pack and Cullens here. On the bbenches were flowers. Roses, and lillys sat on it. One or the other was red or white. With a little orange flower in the middle. After taking everything in I finally looked up to find Jake looking at me. His eyes were rimmed with tears. He smiled my favorite smile. All my nervous were gone. I felt like running down there. But I knew if I did either Alice or Emily would kill me. So I just keeped walking.  It took forever but I got there. I kissed Dad cheek. We had Billy do the ceremony since he was chief.

"Jacob you can go first." Billy said.

"My Sammy, I can't belive that I get to call you mine. I know that we have always had our up and downs. But that's just how strong our love is. To go through all this our love is pure and can't be broken. I promise to be our friend, protector, and lover. To say I love you is an understatement. You are like my gravity. The one that keeps me here. I love you so much." I wiped my tears off of my face. Jake had some streaming down his face.

" Samantha your turn."

"Ooo Jakey. I never knew that I could love somebody so much. Every since I met you all those years ago I some how knew we would be here. It might sound cheesy but it is the truth. We have had our ups and downs, but we are still together. Our love is so strong. And I knew that it will keep going strong. I promise to be your wife through thick and thin. Through nice weather and storm. I love you with all my heart and nothing can break that. I'm glad the spirits have woven our life together."

"Jacob do you take Samantha Swan to be your wife?"

"I do."

"Samantha do you take Jacob to be your husband?"

"I do."

"I now present you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Jake grabbed me and pulled me to him. Our lips meet with so much passion. I forgot about everybody else until I heard clapping and whistling. We pulled apart. "I would like to introduce Mr. And Mrs. Jacob Black!" We took pictures then went to the reception.

"Wow the girls did good." I said.

"Yes they did." We sat down and we ate. Soon the speeches started. My dad went first.

"I know that Jacob will be a good husband. I know this because I've seen how Jacob acts around Sam. He's head over heels for her. Same goes for her." He keeped it short and sweet.

Billy went next. "Sarah always said that you kids would be together. She was right like she always was. I like to think that she is watching us right know." Jacob grip tightened on my hand. His mom was always a sore subject to him. And a little to me too. She was my mother figure growing up. Most of them were sweet until you got to Paul's.

"Well I've been through the up and down with them. But I'm so glad that they got it together. So all I have to say is Sammy it ready to not sleep because the wolf is hungry." He said winking at me. A blush spread all over my face. Everybody was laughing but me. I was going to kill him. Soon the speeches were over.

"May I have this dance Mrs. Black?"

"Why yes Mr. Black." He led me over to the dance floor. The song we had picked started playing.

"I never thought that i could love somebody as much as I love you. Jake sang softly in my ear.

"I love you Mr. Black."

"I love you too Mrs. Black. That will never get old."

"What won't?"

"Calling you Mrs. Black. Calling you mine." I grappled the back of his neck and kissed him.

A/N this story is almost done there will either be 1 or 2 more chapters. The song they were dancing to is Never Thought That I could Love by Dan Hill.

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