Florida part 1

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"I don't know why I have to go!" I grumbled as I put clothes in my suitcase.

"I don't know why you have to go. I'm going to be so lonely." Jake said dramaticly falling on my bed.

"See why can't I just stay here with you?"

"But you might have some fun. Spend some time with your mom."

"Ugh." I said zipping it up.

"Sam! Time to go."

"Ok." Jake grabbed my bag and led me down the stairs.

"Dad do I have to go?" I asked standing in front of him.

"Yes. I love you have fun." We hugged and all went outside. Jake put my suit case in Edwards car. He would drive us to the airport. It wouldn't surprise me if he was going to come with us.

"Bye babe. Please have a good time or at least try."

"Ok I'll try. Keep me up dated ok. Call me." I stood on my tip toes and kissed him. I got in the car watching Jake and my dad get smaller. I had never been this far from home. The farthest I've been was Seattle. I had never even been on a plane. Soon we were on the plane. Thank God that it was a straight flight because I don't think I could do a lay over. My hands dug into the air rest as we took off. I closed my eyes hopping I wouldn't get sick.

"Sam you don't look very good. Have you never been on a plane?" I shook my head no. "It's ok just relax."

"I'm trying." I snapped. "Sorry just nervous." She nodded and left me alone. I plugged my earphones in and played my music hopping that it would calm me down. Soon we were landing which was worst than taking off. The only thought was brake! Slow down! Use the brake! Soon we were getting off.

My legs felt like jello. I had to hold on to Bella getting off. We walked to baggage claim. "Bella!" Someone called. She started to lead me towards mom and Phil. Edward suddenly appeared.

"Mom dad." She said going into there warm embrace. I was left out in the cold. So I started looking for my bags.

"Samantha?" Mom asked.

"That's me."

"Ooo you've grown up so much." I nodded my head while bitting my tounge to not say what I was thinking. "Phil this is my other daughter Samantha."

"Hello." I said politely.

"Hi." He said unsure.

"Mom this is my boyfriend Edward." Nice to meet you were said. We had all are bags and headed out to the car.

"Do you need help Samantha?" Phil asked.

"Nope but please call me Sam." If your wondering why I go by Sam by everyone but the people on the rez it was because they alrady have a Sam. We all got to the car and I throw my bag in the trunk and got in. We went through the city. When we got to the house it wasn't to bad of a looking house. I got out and grabbed my bag. Mom led us to our rooms. Since Edward was here me and Bella would have to share her old room. I placed my bag down and slipped on sandles grabbed my phone and went out the back door. The house was right on the beach. I slipped my shoes off and went towards the ocean as I dialed Jake.


"Hey how's it going?"

"Nothing's really happening."

"Lier!" Somebody yelled. It sound like Quil.

"He keeps complaining, and pouting!" Embry said.

"It's getting really irritating!" Paul said. I started laughing.

"Stop it!" Jake said. He must have went outside because the door slammed.

"You miss me?"


"Good because I miss you too." He laughed.

"So how are things going with you?"

"Awkward! I don't think she told Phil that she had another daughter."

"Wow, it must be really awkward."

"Yes, and it's so dry and sunny here." We both started laughing. Dinner was just as awkward.

"So Sam," Phil started. "What do you like to do for fun?"

"Umm I like to paint, hang out with my boyfriend and our friends."

"You share the same friends?" Mom asked. I nodded picking at my food. "Don't pick at your food! Didn't your dad teach you any manners." I slammed my hand down.

"Don't you every say that! My dad has been there for everything! You left! You left me! You left him! You haven't even been in my life for what 11 years!? You have no right to say that! I'm happy you found some one but it's been me and him forever. He wanted me to come here to try and be with you. I didn't even want to come here!" I yelled getting up out of the chair and heading for my room. But not before I caught a glimpse of saddens in her eyes. "Good, know she knows." I thought smug. I got to the room an played on the bed. A flashback come to mind.
I was about 7 at the time. I sat on the bed having an anxiety attack. Jake come hopping into the room being silly living life like a 7 year old should. One look at my face had him rushing to my bed and sitting with me. "Sammy? Are you ok?" I shook my head no.

"Did I do something wrong Jake?"

"With who?"

"My mom she left." I said trying to pulling in air.

"No, Sammy, No. That wasn't you. If she didn't want to know you that's her loss. You are an amazing, smart girl that is my best friend." Jake pulled me in for a hug. My face relaxed as air came easier.

"Forever?" I asked.

"Forever." He agreed.

My anxiety had been gone for a while. I had learned to control it and what to do if it came.

"You know you hurt her right?" Edwards voice came from the corner of the room.

"Yep. Why are you here if you don't mind me asking." He shugged. This was going to be a long vacation.

Florida seems to be going well for Sam, not. Any way here was a little flash back when Sam and Jake were little.

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