I watched as the rain fell. I took some of the rain and made it dance around before falling. The truth was I had tried calling Jake but he hadn't called back. And that really hurt. Bella came home and knocked on my door. I quickly dropped the rain drops. " "Come in." She opened the door and came in.
"You miss him." She asked. I swallowed and nodded.
"Sam got to him."
"Sam Uley?"
"Yes he did something to Jake."
"No Bella. He's a good guy. He helped us find you." She nodded and went out of the room closing the door behind her. I went and sat on the window seat. I moved closer to my open window. The night came and here I was still sitting in the window. I had made fire wolfs running on my hand. One broke out and started howling. I laughed as the other ones did it to. Two started playing with each other. I heard Bella talking to some one. I didn't really care. I was not in the mood.
I saw a figure jump out of the window. The figure stood there for a minute looking up at the window. Jake? Omg it was Jake. I stood there with my mouth open trying to get his name out of my mouth. But nothing came. Soon he ran off into the woods. Didn't he want to talked to me? What is going on? Was I not good enough for him? Tears started running down my face. Ugh why do I have to cry? The next morning Bella came and woke me up.
"Come on Sam! We are going to Jake's."
"Sam let's go! If your not up and dressed by the time I come back, I will dump water on you!" I heard the door slam. I slowly got up and got dressed. Than went down stairs. Bella sat at the table. I went and grabbed a poptart. "Let's go." I didn't even get to sit down.
We went and got in her truck. As I stuffed my poptart in my mouth. We went and got to Jake's. Bella went in the house. I got out when I saw the boys. I went and started walking towards them. I was to them when Bella saw them and came towards them.
"Paul please don't eat my sister." I whispered in his ear. He gave me a grin.
"What did you do to him?! He didn't want this!" Bella started yelling at them.
"Bella calm down." I could already see Paul losing his temper. Paul said something snappy back. Bella hand came up and went across Paul's face. His body started shaking.
"Run Bella!" Me and Sam yelled. She started running as Paul wolf came out. I turned my attention to Paul. "Paul calm down." He looked towards Bella. I saw Jake come out and turn into a wolf. I put a huge wall around me and Pual. "You have to calm down."
Then something set him off. He jumped over the huge wall of stone. He ran towards Jake. Jake meet him. I put my wall down. I watched them roll into the woods.
"You guys take Bella back to Emily's!" Sam said going after the boys. I walked over to Bella. And stood her up. Embry and Jared helped me. I drive with Embry in the middle than Bella. Jared was in the back. I rolled the wind down as I drove because Bella looked like she was going to puke. I pulled into Emily's house. We all got out.
"I think we should go check on jake."
"Naw their fine." I called over my shoulder. We all walked into Emily's. "Bella don't stare. Hi Emily!"
"Hi Sammy." She looked behind me.
"Who is this?"
"This is my sister Bella."
"So your the vampire girl."
"Yep. So your the wolf girl."
"I guess I am." I went and sat by the boys and grabbed a muffin. They all started talking. I got up and went to the bathroom. I came back to find Bella there and all the other boys there. They all were whispering.
"Where did Bella go?" There heads snapped up. Embry and Jared looked out the window. Paul looked at his hand. Nobody made eyecontact with me. Sam finally spoke up.
"She and Jake took a walk." Anger rose with in me.
"Is it not enough that I stood by him all these years. Tried so hard to keep him safe! All the times I did everything for him!" I stomped out the door.
"Sammy where are you going?"
"On a walk." I walked into the forest. I soon made it to the cliffs. I sat down and dug my hands into the earth. It felt like the only thing holding me down. I heared a twig snap. "Paul please just go away." He came over and sat by me.
"How did you know it was me?"
"They sent you because you are one of the very few people that isn't scared of my temper." He laughed. I brought my knees up to my chest and layed my head on them.
"He imprinted on you that's what made me snap back there." He said quietly.
"Really sure doesn't feel like that."

Samantha Swan
FanfictionGirl best friends with guy, Older sister comes home, Guy loves older sister, girl loves best friend. This was pretty much Samantha's story. She loves her best friend Jacob. But as soon as Bella her sister comes home, Jacob is after Bella and pretty...