um... surprise?

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"She's gone."

"Gone! Gone! How can she be gone! Again!" I shifted from foot to foot as my dad roared. Thanks Bella for leaving me to do this. Again. At least I had Jake here. He was trying to talk my dad down. I leaned up against the counter.

"Sammy are you ok?" Jake asked. His hand cupping my cheek.

"No I'm tired."

"Than go to bed."

"But I want to be with you."

"I'll be there in a bit."

"How? My dad will kill you."

"I have my ways. Just leave your window open." He said winking with a smirk.

"Ok. Night dad." I heared him grumble as I walked up the stairs. I brushed my teeth, changed into pjs, opened the window and climbed into bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow Jake crawled through the window. He came and layed on the other side on the blankets.

"Night Sammy."

"Night Jakey."


I awoke the next morning being cold. I rolled over to find Jake not there. I got up when I saw a note.

Dear Sammy,
Bella got home last night while you were asleep. I had to leave for protrol. Have a good day. I'll see you later.

Great so Bella's home. I hope she gets yelled at. I grabbed clean clothes, towels and went and took a shower. As soon as I was done I grabbed my keys and drove over to Leah's house. I put it in park and got out. Seth came bounding over to me.

"Hey Sammy!"

"Hey Seth! So your a wolf too." I asked seeing him only shorts.

"Yep it's pretty cool." He smiled.

"How is you sister taking it?"

"Umm she's doing ok. She's in the house come on." I walked with him towards the house. We went in. Later we all want down to Sam's house. It surprised me how well Leah was handling Sam and Emily. I was sitting on the couch betting with Paul again. When Jake came in. He smiled at me and came and sat by me on the couch.

"So Sammy when do we get to see your powers?" He asked me.

"We can go right know." So every body went out side. I had this new trick that I had been working on. I made huge fire wolf's appear. Running around every one. Sam looked impressed.

"Your powers have been getting stronger."

"Did her eyes always do that?" Paul asked.

"What about my eyes?" Jake answered this one.

"They glowed a red color."

"Well that's new." I shugged. My phone buzzed. I pulled it out. It was a text from Bella.

Bella:Can you and Jake meet me at the border?

Me: Sure

"Hey Jake Bella wants us to meet her at the border."

"Ok." He started towards the tree line.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to go get change. It's faster than walking." He walked in and came out a wolf. He layed down and I got on. I twisted my fingers into his thick soft fur. He took off running. Soon we were there. He layed down again as I slipped off. He pushed me with his nose.

"Ok. Ok. I'm moving! Gosh so boss." I chuckled. He let out a bark. I went a little ways to where Bella and Edward was. I waved.

"Where's Jake?"

"Chill he's coming." Soon he was beside me.

"You're still alive." He said with a bitter tone. And I didn't blame him. "I've been calling you. Couldn't drop by?" I could cut the tenstion with a knife.

"He thinks I'm keeping you away." Well I do to. He looked towards me.

"Stay the hell out of my head!" Jake yelled out loud the same time i did in my head.

"Dad grounded me, Jake. We're trying to get back before he wakes up."

"Bull crap! He didn't ground you till today. And I'm pretty sure you aren't." I said. Jake looked like he didn't buy it eather. Than Edward took a step towards Jake. Did he have a death wish.

"Jacob, I know you have something to say to me, but I'd like to say. Thank you. For keeping Bella alive when I... didn't."

"No, you didn't. And it wasn't for your benefit, trust me."

"I know. I'm still grateful. But I'm back now. And I'm not leaving. And I'm not leaving Bella's side till she orders me away." They looked at each other all lovey dovey. I looked towards Jake. His face was in hurt. He hurried and masked it.

"We'll see."

"Either way, we'll handle Victoria from here on out." Good i didnt need anyone of the pack getting hurt. "She's been laying low. Ever since your freaky sister showed up. Guess she can't stand you Cullens either." I put my hand over my mouth trying not to laugh.

"She'll come back."

"She does, she's ours. She killed on our turf."

"Jake maybe the should just do it." He shot my a look.

"We'll see."

"My turn to talk. I'm here to remind you about a key point in the Treaty."

"I haven't forgotten." He meant that he couldn't bite people excluding Bella.


"What? What key point?" I rolled my eyes.

"If any of them bites a human, the truce is over. That's bite, not kill."

"But... if I choose it, it's none of your business."

"Bella no! You wouldn't do that! You would choose him over your own blood. He left you!" I could feel my hands starting to shake.

"Why Bella?! No. No way. I won't let you!" I yelled.

"Bella, step back." "You're not gonna be one of them." Jake yelled.

"That's not your call!"

"I cant belive you!"

"You know what we'll do to you - I won't have a choice."

"We're done here." I watched Edward take her hand and pull her away. I was about to yell at him but Jake beat me too it.

"You don't speak for her!" Edward throw Jake. Jake flew back and pahsed. I pushed Edward back with wind. Fire appeared in my hand. My eyes focused at him. He looked kind of scared.

"Stop!" Edward and Jake circle one another, seconds from lunging. I was getting ready to throw fire.

"Get out of here. Now!" Bella being Bella raced between us.

"If you guys do this, you'll be going through me. I'm not moving." We all saw she was serous. We all backed off a bit.

"Give me a second. Please. Read his thoughts. Is he going to hurt me?" He might not but i might.

"Jacob, I love you. You're my best friend. But... I can't change how I feel. Please don't make me choose." Jake snarled at her and took off running leaving me there.

"Bella why do you have to hurt him? Why can't you just leave us alone!" I yelled. I hurled a fire ball and it hit the tree.

"I'm sorry Samantha." Tears in her eyes.

"Just go away!"

Samantha SwanWhere stories live. Discover now