I woke up in the morning still curled up in Seth. I got up and stretched. The wind was gone and it had stopped snowing. Bella and Jake were still in the tent. Edward sat near by looking at me.
"What time is it?" I asked with a yawn followed behind it.
"About time."
"Ok will you tell Jake that I went down."
"Yep." I started down the mountain.
Soon I was at the clearing at where we where going to fight. I sat around playing tick tac toe with Leah. The Cullens got here.
"Are you ready? They will be here in 5 minute." Jasper led the wolfs and me to where we would wait. They would be on they other side.
"Sam are you going to be ok?" Rose asked.
"She'll be fine." Emmett said.
"He's right Rose I'll be fine."
"Ok just be safe." She said hugging me.
"You too." I said.
"You too Emmett!" I said running and giving him a hug.
"You too."
"Tell everybody else to be safe too." I told them as they left. We all lined up. "I love all of you. Let's go kick some ass." I said. We all were on edge.
A twig snapped and there was a whole lot of vampires. I threw some earth at them. I was going all over the place. Vines sprung from the earth wrapping around there bodies and breaking them. When we had enough pieces I started a fire and gathered up them up and throw them in. Jake came running down and jumping right into the fight. I kept going around throwing pieces in my fire. Soon we were all done.
Until we heard Leah let out a growl. We all turned to look at what she was growling at. A lone vampire. Leah started towards it. It put it's arms around her but Jake knocked her out of the way. Than we all heard it. "Crunch." Jake yelped out of pain. Sam and Paul went and destroyed it. While I ran to Jake's side. He had turned back into a human.
"Jake it will be alright." Tears flowed down my face. As he cried out in pain. The boys ran out in to the woods to change back.
"They will be here in 10 minutes. Take him back home I'll go take care of him." We all nodded.
"Sammy think you can pick him up with wind. It would hurt less." I nodded and mustered up a wind current. It picked him up and we started home.
"Ahhh!" Another scream came from the house. I held Billy's hand. He looked close to tears while as me was already in tears. I could feel my anxiety coming on. I tried to keep my breath stable for Billy. Bella's truck pulled in giving more anxiety. I stood up to see if that would help me get my breath. By know I was hyperventilating.
"He want to see you." I moved to go up to the house but Bella pushed me back so she could go. With that all my air that I had was lost because I couldn't get any air pulled into my lungs. Than it everything went black.

Samantha Swan
FanfictionGirl best friends with guy, Older sister comes home, Guy loves older sister, girl loves best friend. This was pretty much Samantha's story. She loves her best friend Jacob. But as soon as Bella her sister comes home, Jacob is after Bella and pretty...