I walked back into the forest trying to find Jake. "Jake! Jacob!" Great let's just add more problems to my never ending list. "Jake come on please?!" A twig snapped I turned to see Jake. We stood there just looking at each other. " Are you ok?" I asked.
"No. What about you?"
"Oo I just found out my sister wants to be a vampire so I'm doing just fine and dandy." I smiled a bit.
"I'm sorry. This all just sucks."
"I know." I found a log and sat on it.
"At least we are together."
"Yep." He came and sat by me.
"What are you thinking about?" He asked.
"That she chose him over blood, family." I put my head on his shoulder. "But I guess I should have known."
"You couldn't have known." His eyes looked sadly down at me. I sent him a sad smile.
"Jake thanks for being here for me."
"No Sammy thank you for being here with me." He leaned down and captured his lips with mine. It was slow and gentle. We both pulled back to get air. "Tha.. that was amazing." I smiled.
"Wanna go back to the house?"
"Sure." We walked back hand in hand. When I tripped he caught me. This was the safest I felt in a long time.
I handed the paper to Jake. "Another murder. Do you think vampires could do this?"
"I'm not sure but it's not far away."
"I know and before you say anything yes I am being careful."
"You know me well." He said winking while smirking. I rolled my eyes.
"You know if you roll your eyes to much they can get stuck."
"Is that right?" I asked getting in his face a bit.
"Yep." He pecked my lips. "I got to go."
"Protrol again?"
"Ok well be careful. And get some sleep after ok?" He kissed me again and left. Soon I was alone. Jake had been on protrol a lot more lately. When he was not he was with me. I tried to get him to sleep at my house but he just waved me away or "I'm not tired."
The next day at school Jess and me where writing her speech.
"Well if you move this over here it would flow better." She read over it again."It sounds a lot better." Bella, Edward, Jasper, and Alice came over and sat with us.
"There's going to be a party." Alice told. Eww party.
"Sammy please say you will come."
"Ehh." She leaned in a whispered in my ear.
"I know you will be coming you can even bring some mutts."
"Alice they are not mutts but I'll think about it." I returned in her ear. I strolled up to the chief station. I walked in to see Ruby. "Hi Ruby. How's things going?" Ruby was the secretary. She had brown gray hair that was pulled back in a neat ponytail.
"Hi Sam. I'm doing ok just wish those murders would be solved."
"Me too. My boyfriend has gotten way more protective."
"You and Jacob are together!"
"I just knew that you guys would be together." My dad came walking out.
"Ready to go Sam?"
"Yep and I'm starving!" He laughed as we walked out to find Bella and Edward.
"Bella my parents wanted to remind you about the plane tickets to see your mom." Tickets, mom, um out. I looked out in the distance zoning out.
"Sam you would like to go right?" My dad asked.
"Umm.. what?"
"To go see your mother."
"I would rather not. I would like to do anything else."
"To bad your going."

Samantha Swan
FanfictionGirl best friends with guy, Older sister comes home, Guy loves older sister, girl loves best friend. This was pretty much Samantha's story. She loves her best friend Jacob. But as soon as Bella her sister comes home, Jacob is after Bella and pretty...