CHAPTER 14 You can't Save ME

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Yamaguchi was a coward, he had told Suga he was going to put a restraining order on his brother but he couldn't get himself to take the bus to the station. He did go home and nervously entered only to have one of the dorms inhabitants to tell him someone stopped by looking for him.

Fear ripped through him and he had quickly entered slamming the door behind him without saying a word. "He knows where I'm at, he knows!" he started to hyperventilate his hands trembling  he locked the door with shaking hands sliding down to his knees resting his head against the cold metal.

"Move Tadashi, get up." He whined, and without more thought he grabbed a bag and threw everything he would need inside. He could stay at Suga's, his boss had said it was ok, he had been there already for two days he could go back and stay just until he found a new dorm. He could do this again. He's moved before, his heart pounded in his chest. He forced himself to move, to put the fear behind him, let it motivate his quick but clumsy motions. 


Tsukishima slammed his cell down on his desk, the kid's cell was off, where the hell could he be? Tsukishima started to pace, this wasn't him. He wasn't like this, why the hell should he care so much?

He leaned back into his large leather chair, the desk was big enough for his legs to have stretching room. The neat surface of his oak desk had no pictures or knickknacks, so nothing but the computer was disturbed when he'd thrown his cell down. He was the pride and joy of the prosecutor's office so he had a great view of the parking lot and even better view of the bull pen outside his somewhat medium sized office.

No matter, he didn't need pictures or awards lining his walls, although he did have several awards and certificates all proof that he was the youngest lawyer to pass the bar and be hired on. Every achievement had been a slap in the face of his father and mother whom wanted him to join their firm and continue on the Tsukishima name. His older brother had turned them down and now it was his turn.

There was a nervous knock on his door that waited for no reply "Sir, your father is here-" His secretary a beta looked flustered, she flipped her red hair over her thin shoulders peaking into his office. She didn't get much more in before said man pushed past her.

"Out." The alpha growled she looked to her boss who had been in a mood for the past couple days. He nodded and she shut the door behind the two, wincing when the yelling started, she glared at the other office workers who had stopped to stare.

"Get to work!" she clapped her hands, straightening her black suit jacket, her pin skirt smoothed over. The four desks all sitting in the center of the office with their own private cubicle space came back alive with typing and answering calls.

"What do you want? What brings the lord from his castle on high?" Tsukki growled wrinkling his nose, so the old man was trying to dominate him with his scent. How old did he think Tsukki was?

"Concern!" The gray haired man with glasses boomed, his hands in his expensive black suit pant pockets.

"Oh, god really? Concern? This is new? For me or your reputation? Have you brought me another omiai interview? If so you can-" Tsukki leaned back in his throne like chair hands in his lap and another bored dismissive expression.

A file was slammed down on Kei's large oak desk his piercing golden brown eyes narrowed but his bored expression never changed.

"Your little Cinderella rushed off after I confronted him at the party. To think I even offered him money and he ripped my check up and threw it in my face. Like he's too good for my money. What an act! Right there is proof you were being targeted by another poor omega looking for a foot up in the world. Did you know his brother Nakamura Chida is currently in some financial troubles, he's being investigated by your office. I believe."

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