Turning Tables 16

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Oikawa awoke to the sound of someone outside his door hammering, swearing up a storm he squinted rolling off the couch. The tall omega pulled the door open he turned to see a familiar set of abs standing on a latter installing what looked like security lights.

Oikawa crossed his arms over his chest. Iwa-chan was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, that gave nothing to the imagination. One could truly appreciate the well sculpted thighs and abs. Well the abs he could imagine since the subject was wearing a gray hoodie with a jean jacket over it. Shame. Abs were Tooru's kryptonite well biceps really were a thing now, and thighs were Suga's especially now. The omega hoped he wasn't staring too hard, he turned his gawking into a scowl arms crossed over his chest.

"The landlord said he was going to install those. " he growled rubbing the sleep from his squinting eyes.

"Is that a onsie with aliens?" Officer biceps continued to drill, Oikawa really glared brieftly glancing down at the pajamas Suga had given him two birthdays ago.

"So what if they are?" Tooru huffed blowing the annoying fringe from out of his eyes.

" Well anyway the landlord did say he would replace the lights but not quick enough. Besides the ones he had were cheap these are motion sensitive. They'll turn on when you get home and off when you go inside. I talked to Kenma our IT guru and he's going to come around with a security system." Officer alpha was climbing down from the ladder.

"Wait Security system? Iwa-chan. I live in a crappy apartment, the most expensive thing I own is a damn phone charger. So I don't need a-"

"Oikawa it won't be a cost to you and it may just be-"

"I don't need a security camera or security system. I can take care of myself no one asked you to make any decisions." Tooru was in front of the alpha pointing a finger into his well toned chest, nice broad and very toned. Focus Tooru. " I'll accept the light because you've already gone through the trouble of putting it in but I will not have anything more. I can take care of myself."

Iwaizumi had his hands up "No one said you couldn't. I apologize for overstepping I only worry because you are in a less than savory part of town and your door could be kicked in by the wind. Don't get me started on the windows, they are so thin they hardly keep the wind out let alone a burglar."

"So you are worried about me? How sweet. I thank you. But I've made it this far on my own. I'm not some weak damsel." He shivered the alpha held himself back from reaching out and pulling the omega into a hug. Damn what was wrong with him? Hajime was feeling protective, there was usually nothing but banter between the two and a few sharp word jabs. Why now? Why was he suddenly feel the urge to take care of the omega? It wasn't after hearing a very personal story retold by a volgur bastard. It was before that, maybe. Maybe omegas that talked their minds and took the lead were less problematic? Annoying? No, more interesting. It was true that he normally went for the submissive types, not that it ever worked out.

The ones looking for instant family hated his work hours and what they felt was inattention. Then there was the fact that he couldn't help be attracted to those chocolate brown eyes and perfectly quaffed brown hair. Even this morning Oikawa had cute bed head. So his look wasn't as natural as he would make one think. He looked adorable in the gray onsie with green martians on it, it was a side Hajime hadn't seen.

"Ooh, hightech. " Oikawa waved a hand near the light as it came on and then turned off.  "So I guess I can offer you some coffee but I don't have any." He motioned the alpha in with a heavy sigh.

"What is your pristine kitchen for then?" Hajime continued to look the omega over, the man was squinting now attempting to hold back a yawn. The dark haired alpha had been up late last night trying to find the right lights, after talking to Kenma. Then he texted Kinoshita if he could maybe borrow some tools for the task.

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