Chapter 23 Hands, Hired

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A/N: here u go a little graphic, and lots of plot foreshadowing...i hope its ok. Lov u all! It's gonna get rough! Our poor ships...they are big targets! Eeeek! Thanks for being awesome!!! Lov your protective comments! -Creator-chan

Oikawa Tooru yawned, had he slept in? Why did he feel somewhat rested, usually he had awful nightmares. Where was his phone? He didn't hear it go off, or did he not plug it again? Oh well. He snuggled down into the soft blankets, and the delicious warmth nearly engulfed him with it's strong muscled leg, and mouth watering solid thigh. Wait thigh? Arm? Ooh, biceps nice-STOP Tooru wake up! That scent, it shouldn't be allowed to be so, welcoming. The tall omega realized his nose was pressed up completely to a solid wall of chest, he could feel the steady drum of a strong heartbeat and it fell in perfect step to the machine's he was hearing over his shoulder.

This was embarrassing. He had fallen asleep cuddled up to Hajime Iwazumi, the brown haired omega was hopeful no one he knew had seen him. He had a cold bitchy reputation to uphold after all.

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." The alpha whose arms were wrapped around Tooru whispered hoarsely into his hair before kissing the top of the omega's slightly upturned head.

"Iwa-chan?" Tooru frowned, confused.

"I said your secret is safe with me. You know the fact that you are a cuddler. Don't worry for fear of having my ass handed to me I shall tell no one of this. In fact if anyone asks I will confess I took advantage of your kindness and warm body." The deep rumble of the now yawning alpha sent a shiver through the suddenly stiff omega. The dark haired patient then pulled the tense omega closer nuzzling into his soft hair.

"Hmph as if anyone would believe that. You are such a sweet talker." Tooru pouted unaware he was nuzzling into the strong chest, his body finally relaxing since waking. Before stiffening once more, he pulled away, sitting up nearly falling off the small bed, hospitals really didn't leave much room for alphas. Omegas always received nesting beds unless they were single then they were placed in a small twin sized bed just a little smaller than what alphas slept in.

"Iwa-chan you're awake. How are you feeling?" Tooru blinked the tiredness from his eyes, he focused on the naturally tan alpha who even in an awful hospital gown looked gorgeous. Tooru tried to smooth out his own shirt, unaware their was still blood staining his collar and the jeans of his pants where he had frantically checked a bleeding and unconscious Iwaizumi's wound. Some of his attacker's blood was most likely lingering on the omega's torn and wrinkled clothes, but all this was ignored by the focus he had on the alpha sitting up in the small hospital bed running sharp eyes over the nervous omega with equal concern.

"Better, a little sore and my neck is stiff but I was doing better in our prior position. " He grunted adjusting the bed with the control buttons on the arm of his bed. He winced and Tooru was at his side quickly reaching for the alpha's call button.

"Iwa? Where does it hurt-oomf-"He was pulled back onto the bed nearly ontop of the strong police officer.

"Gotcha. It's not so bad like I said a dull ache." The alpha arranged a shocked Tooru comfortably at his side so, the omega's head was resting against his left shoulder and his nice ass sitting right at Iwaizumi's hip. The alpha threw his sore right arm over the surprised omega's side, his other hand catching the omega's bruised delicate wrists up in one grasp. He wanted a better look at the bandaged hands, he could see no damage to those slender fingers. What could be done with those fingers, languid and strong. The alpha pushed these bubbling thoughts down, he needed to focus on the task at hand.
"What-" Oikawa tensed, unused to being held like this, or allowing anyone to hold him like this. He held back his instinct to injure said aggressor, since said aggressor was supposedly injured. However the brown haired omega was starting to wonder just how injured the brute really was, seriously the way he was throwing his weight around and taking liberties. Bastard. Cute bastard. Oikawa admitted to himself but refused to out loud.

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