Unlucky day

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Kalene was so livid she couldn't go to sleep right away. She knew Tim would never voluntarily cheat on her nor would he just start drinking again. When the man put his mind to something, that was it. He'd decided to quit drinking and that was that. The short brunette was pacing the room as her mind whirled trying to figure out what Jenika's game plan was.

Why did she have someone come and seduce her husband? Was Jenika stupid enough to think this would break them up? Did she have so little faith in Tim when they were married that she thought any little thing would cause a rift between her and Tim? Kalene huffed, 'I'll be damned if I let that two-bit gutter slut come between me and Tim! I'll show her what a strong marriage we have!'

She still had a few acquaintances back home that she spoke to every now and then on Facebook. Although she wasn't proud of the things she'd done in her youth, or most of her so-called friends, she had to admit some of them remained useful. Kalene sent a private message to one of them asking about her cousin whom Kalene knew was in prison. Which prison, she wasn't sure. Her friend quickly responded.

{Cassidy} hey girl! It's such a surprise to hear from ya! Dana is in prison in Wisconsin. She moved up there for her boyfriend. She's in there for life. What can I help you with?

{Kalene} There's a woman in prison that is harassing me and my husband from prison. She sent a friend of hers to seduce and fuck my husband last night which is the last straw for me. This bitch even tried to put a hit out on us! They broke into my sweet mother-in-law's house because Jenika didn't know we have a house of our own now. They scared her to death! Then they got where we were living and broke into our house but we were on tour. I need some help.

{Cassidy} I'm sure I can get my cousin to help. What exactly are you thinking?

{Kalene} at this point, I don't care. I just want her to leave us alone and quit this petty bullshit. She's the one who put herself in prison by attacking us twice!

{Cassidy} I'll contact my cousin right away. What can I expect as a liaison?

Kalene rolled her eyes at the question. She knew she should have known better than to expect anything for free.

{Kalene} What do you want?

{Cassidy} How about a grand?

{Kalene} fair enough. I'll send you a grand when I get confirmation that the deed has been done.

The pair ceased conversing after that. Kalene wasn't sure what Jenika had offered or paid for her and Tim to be killed but she was sure a grand for Jenika's. . . whatever . . . was cheap. She also knew that although she had said she didn't care what happened that Jenika was a walking dead woman. Kalene thought she should feel bad about what she'd just done but smelling the alcohol on her poor husband negated that entirely.

Tim could barely open his eyes. His stomach felt like the ocean in the middle of a hurricane. His head felt like there was a tiny crew with jackhammers, hammering away inside his skull. His whole body ached and he just felt...weird. Groaning, he tried to roll over but his body felt like it was being weighed down. He just physically couldn't find the energy to move his body.

He could feel movement to the right but he couldn't open his eyes or move his body. It concerned him greatly. As he laid there, he tried to remember what had happened the previous evening. The last thing he remembered was the redhead at the bar reading his book. He'd sat down to chat with her about it. 'Why can't I remember anything? What's wrong with me?' he thought.

"Tim? Part your lips, sweetie." He heard his wife's voice stated, "You can do it!"

He let out a groan as he willed his lips to move. "That's good, baby. Now drink. Getting some Gatorade into you will help." she was always so sweet and kind to him. He finally opened his eyes and saw his wife was kneeling by the side of the bed with a straw stuck down in a bottle of Gatorade. She gave him a sweet smile as he drank the cool liquid. He wanted to thank her but he just didn't have the energy.

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