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November was a month that changed Chance's life. Leia Marie Ray was born. The baritone never thought he could feel prouder or more protective than he did in that moment. Ten little fingers, ten little toes, little bit of hair. "She's perfect, baby!" his mother told him as she snaked her arm around his waist.

"I don't know anything about raising a child, momma! What do I do?" He continued to stare at his daughter through the nursery window.

"No one has a baby knowing how to raise it. Each child and parent are different. You just have to choose which path you think is best." His mother explained, "Try to keep her best interests at heart and you'll be a fine daddy."

"I'm scared, mom."

"Having a baby is always scary. This little infant will depend upon you both for shelter, for comfort, for food, for love and for nurturing. You'll have to wake up in the middle of the night to change soiled diapers or feed her. It's not easy being a parent. Especially when they have boo-boos and you can't heal them. All you can do is love her, protect her, and nurture her." His mother explained.

"How is she?" He heard Austin stated.

"Austin? What are you doing here?" Chance inquired as he hugged his friend.

"Well, no one else was able to come but we all wanted at least one of us here to be with y'all at the birth. My flight was delayed." Austin shrugged, "Which one is she?"

Chance pointed out his little girl, "That one right there. Leia Marie."

"Leia? Should have known!" Austin chuckled, "But it's a pretty name, man. How's Sami?"

"Still in her recovery room. It was a hard delivery but she's doing much better now. Probably asleep. I hope. She needs the rest." Chance explained.

"Everything ok?" Austin furrowed his brows.

"Yeah mostly. Like I said, it was a hard delivery." Chance stated, "Come on, if she's awake, I'm sure she'd love to see you."

Chance finally noticed the gift bag on the ground at Austin's feet when the redhead went to pick it up. There was a small bouquet of flowers and a small teddy bear in it. The pair walked to Sami's room leaving Chance's mother to watch over her granddaughter. Sami was texting when they walked in.

"Baby, look, you have a visitor." Chance stated making Sami look up from her phone.

"Austin! What on Earth are you doing here?" She smiled slightly.

"Well, we all wanted to be here with you guys but no one else was able to make it. Here, I have a gift for you and a gift for your little girl." His thick, Georgian accent coming out.

"These are so beautiful, Austin! Thank you so much!" Sami motioned for him to come over so she could hug him.

"Aww shucks!" He laughed, "You have such a beautiful little girl."

"She gets her looks from her mother." Chance beamed making Sami's face flush.

Kalene: I hope you get to feeling better. Text me later if you're up for it.

Sami smiled at her friend.

Sami: I will. Austin's here now. They should be bringing her back into my room any time. I'll ttyl.

Thanksgiving that year was extra special for the Ray's. They now had a baby with them and something to be even more grateful for. Family photos were even more meaningful. Everything seemed more magical and special now that they had a child. Leia was passed around, carefully, to every family member who just fawned over the infant making Chance puff his chest out.

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