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A/N: First off, don't shoot me for what I'm going to do. Secondly, I hope this never happens to any one of them. Thirdly, you should all know how I like drama by now ;) Enjoy!

The Foust family had an enjoyable time off. Kalene was a little off-put by Nate's family. His grandmother kept in contact with Nate and reassured him that she and his grandfather wanted to get to know the young lady and that the rest of the family would come around eventually. It eased some of Genesis' apprehension but not all of it. His words still rang in her ears and she wondered if he was truly thinking of marriage.

Kalene and Genesis had a girl's day out with Dena and Emily one day while all the men looked after Elijah and watched sports. Nate carefully watched Tim with the infant and couldn't believe how well the bass man had taken to fatherhood! After all these years of saying he didn't want children and here he was bottle feeding and rocking his own son. It was rather humorous when he draped the child over his knees, began gently patting his back and said, "Come on boy, burp already!"

Nate and Genesis flew back to Wisconsin so they could stay with his grandparents to let them get to know Genesis more. It gave the new parents some actual alone time with their son. Nate bid the Foust's goodbye and said he'd see them back on tour. No one could see what was going to happen one dark night. Elijah had woken up crying so Kalene slid out of bed to check on the child. He needed a diaper change making her frown. Normally he'd sleep through the night but for some reason he was extra fussy tonight and didn't want to go back to sleep.

An intruder picked the lock on the front door and silently slipped inside the house. There was a purse on the table by the front door so he dug through it and pocketed all the cash that was there. He didn't think anyone was home since there was always two vehicles in the driveway and they hardly ever moved. Once he moved all the valuables downstairs to the front door so he could take them out to his car later, he began moving them out to his vehicle. It was very dark outside and the neighbors couldn't see him because of how far off the road they were and all the trees on the property.

He finally, and silently, crept upstairs. He was sure there were more valuables up there. It was then that he heard the baby crying. 'Shit!' he thought as he got closer to the door. It was wide open and there was a faint light on. Dim enough to see but not so bright as to keep a child awake. He peeked in to see a woman rocking a baby back and forth and trying to get the child to go back to sleep. His heart began to hammer in his chest as he thought about what to do. 'Perhaps she's the only one here'  he thought as he debated his options.

He knew he could take the woman, especially if he threatened the child. Walking into the room, she didn't notice him at first. Until she turned around, that is. She gasped and hugged her son close to her chest.

"Make him shut up." He quietly hissed.

"I'm...I'm trying. He's super fussy tonight." Kalene answered.

"Rock him or something. Put a pacifier in his mouth. Something to get him to shut up!" The intruder exclaimed, taking a knife out of his pocket to show her he was serious.

Kalene's heart began to race as she thought of what all could happen. She knew she had to protect her son and she wasn't sure of what would happen if she tried to scream for Tim. Kalene grabbed Elijah's binky and sat down in the rocker to try and get him to sleep. A few minutes later and the infant finally drifted off to sleep making Kalene panic once more. She had no idea what this man wanted or what was going to happen to her. The intruder instructed her to put Elijah in his crib which she carefully did so to not wake him up again.

"Where's your jewelry?" The intruder inquired.

"In my jewelry box." She answered.

"Go get it for me. And be quiet. Don't wake anyone else that might be here or else I'll stab this brat." The intruder told her.

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