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"Good morning, Mr. De La Font! I spoke to the boys last night." Kalene started out.

"Oh?" He asked.

"Yes. It's such an honor that the Bellamy's are interested in Home Free doing a cover of one of their songs. They're more than happy to. Do they have a song in mind or can we pick one?" She inquired.

"We'll leave that up to you. We're all dying to see what you do!" He told her.

"Thank you for having faith in us!" She laughed, "I'm sure they will like what we'll come out with."

"I have no doubt!" He laughed too, "Please let us hear it before its released."

"I'll make sure of it." She replied before they bid their goodbyes.

She sat back on the couch, right hand absent-mindedly rubbing her belly, and smiled. Suddenly a wave of morning sickness hit her and she bolted for the bathroom. As she was emptying the contents of her stomach, she silently prayed no one would enter the bus and hear her. This was not how she wanted to give away her secret. It was wild enough that Sami would deliver three months before her! Once her stomach had settled down again, she flushed then stood to her feet.

Kalene washed her hands and face then left the bathroom. Not wanting to have bad breath, she popped a peppermint in her mouth and moved back to the kitchen table. There was confirming shows for the next week, riders, and catering. She was busy doing her "tour mom" duties as Tim was sitting in his dressing room. He had been trying to sketch and work on his second graphic novel but his mind kept wandering back to his wife. She was acting strange but he couldn't really place why or how.

'I hope she isn't sick. I don't know what I'd do without her.' he thought as he leaned back in his chair and sighed. When Jenika left him, he never thought he'd love again. He didn't want to love again. She left him angry and bitter. From day one after meeting Kalene, he had to fight his feelings and attraction. He thought he knew what love was but when he and Kalene finally got together, he found out that whatever he felt for Jenika paled in comparison to her. The idea of anything happening to her made him physically pained.

A craving for roast beef hit her so she headed out to get dinner for everyone from Arby's. She set everything out then prepared her overnight bag. She was very nervous. This was the night she was revealing her surprise to Tim. Everything had been placed in the heart-shaped box and was sitting on his bunk. Her nerves were acting up as she awaited him to come back to the bus.

They were getting a hotel that night so they'd be bussed over to it. The next day was a day off so she knew they'd have the time to talk about the new addition to their family. She hadn't even told Genesis yet. Adam boarded the bus and her heart rate skyrocketed. Her hands played with the hem of her shirt. Her ears strained to hear who was coming next.

As much as she tried to act calm and collected, she thought they could all see how badly she was shaking. One-by-one they began to filter onto the bus. Tim was the second-to-last, Austin always preferred to shower last, and she suddenly felt like she was going to vomit. She could just about hear him throw his bag on his bed. There were a few moments that the entire universe stood still and she wondered if she'd drifted into the twilight zone.

Suddenly they all heard Tim screaming before rushing up to the front lounge, pulled her up off her seat and crushed her in his arms. She noted the pregnancy test was in one hand and the sonogram photo and onesie was in the other. She giggled as he held her to him.

"What's all the screaming about?" Luke boarded with furrowed brows.

Tim handed Rob the picture and onesie the wrapped the arm back around his wife.

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