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Tim and Kalene were huddled together with their luggage when Adam pulled up to the curb. He quickly jumped out of his car and opened the trunk. He helped Tim put their luggage inside before the couple hopped into his car. Tim once again thanked his friend for allowing them to stay at his house during the holidays. "At least you have more than a week at home so you'll be able to spend some time with your family!" Adam stated making Tim nod his head. He hadn't thought of it like that.

Adam helped get their luggage from the car to the house. Cerise and Ericha were in the kitchen baking cookies when the trio arrived. Cerise came running into the living room when she heard the front door shut. Adam laughed and picked up his little girl.

"You remember Uncle Tim? This is his wife Kalene." Adam explained as Ericha came out of the kitchen.

"Thanks for letting us stay with you. We're sorry to intrude on your family time." Kalene told the elder Rupp woman.

"Nonsense. When Adam explained the situation, I couldn't let you spend the holidays in a hotel. It's bad enough you're stuck away from your own family right now." Ericha moved to hug Kalene.

"Daddy? So Uncle Tim and Kalene are staying with us for Christmas?" Cerise asked.

"Yes, pumpkin."

"How will Santa know to bring their presents here instead of their house?" The little girl questioned.

"Well, he'll take their presents to their house. When they're able to go home, they'll be able to have a late Christmas with their family." Adam tried to explain.

His answer seemed to satisfy the little girl. Ericha told her they had to finish baking cookies so Adam could show the Foust couple where they'd be sleeping. They took their luggage upstairs to the guest bedroom and dropped them by the dresser before following Adam back downstairs. There was a few days before Christmas and Kalene wasn't sure what they were going to do until they could leave.

Kalene: I'm sorry, our flight was cancelled. No other flights are permitted to leave because of a bad snowstorm. Storm doesn't look like it'll be letting up for at least a week. The second we're able to leave, I'll let you know. Please take tons of videos and photos for us

Dena: I'm so sorry you'll be missing Christmas. We were all so looking forward to seeing you. Please keep me informed of when you'll be able to come home. I'll be sure to get as many as I can. We'll save your presents for when you get here.

Kalene: thank you so much! We're really upset we can't be there this year. Especially with Elijah.

Dena: I know sweetie. But you have a lot of time off, right? You'll see him soon. Call me on Christmas, ok? Love you and tell my son I love him too.

Kalene: I sure will Miss Dena.

"Babe? What's wrong?" Tim asked.

"Hmm? Oh. I was just letting your mother know about the situation. She said to tell you she loves you." Kalene replied.

"I know you're upset at not being able to go home but at least you'll have some time with your family once this storm lets up." Adam stated.

"I know. But this is Elijah's first Christmas, ya know? It's special." Kalene sighed

"Miss Kalene? Have a cookie!" Cerise stated as she lifted up a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie

"Thank you, sweetie. These are my favorites." Kalene smiled at the small girl.

"Me too!" She replied before darting back into the kitchen with her mother.

"Well, I think everyone is almost ready for bed. I'm sure you're both exhausted after today and this tour." Adam chuckled as Ericha came out of the kitchen holding Cerise.

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