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Tim was an over-protective soon-to-be daddy. He was driving his wife crazy but she kept telling herself it's because this was his technical first child. He'd never been through pregnancy before so everything was new to him. Rob and Adam tried to help the bass man along which Kalene was immensely grateful for. Tim put a timer app on his phone for their first sonogram making Kalene laugh.

Three months had never felt so long in all his life! Kalene was excited that the morning sickness was slowing down. Genesis wanted her mother to keep her in the loop about the pregnancy making Kalene laugh. She was thrilled her daughter had fully embraced being a very big sister. 'This baby will complete our family!' Kalene rubbed her belly one afternoon.

The crew had a bet going on what sex the baby was going to be and it made Kalene laugh. People were split pretty evenly down the middle on which sex. If they came across anything cute for a baby while out and about, Kalene would pick it out. She had some cute infant clothes and couldn't wait to send them off to her sister-in-law. One of her favorites was a shirt that read "Daddy's #1 Fan!" Tim just laughed and shook his head when he saw it.

Kalene was praying the morning sickness would stop. She was tired of getting sick at odd hours of the day and because of certain smells. Tim loved rubbing her belly when they were just sitting around. It made Kalene giggle when he'd sing as softly as he could to her belly. Kalene kept a close eye on the calendar. When she was about twelves weeks along, she contacted a local OBGYN office to try and get in for her sonogram.

It took some doing since she only had one afternoon she could do it in that city and the office schedule was already pretty full. Thirty minutes later, and she had a time slot. She knew Tim would want to be there so she let Luke know she was kidnapping Tim that afternoon earning a head tilt. "It's sonogram time!" Kalene beamed making the manager laugh and nod his head. Everyone knew how much the pair wanted to know what they were having.

"Hey baby! Luke has taken you off any interviews this afternoon. You'll be last for soundcheck too." Kalene explained as she walked up to where her husband was chatting with some of the crew.

"Huh? How come?" Tim raised his eyebrow.

"Duh! We have somewhere to be!" She rolled her eyes.

"Where do we have to go?" Tim questioned.

"Somewhere amazing. Checkout your tracker app." She winked.

She watched as Tim's eyes widened in realization. He pulled her in for a tight hug making her chuckle at him and slide her arms around his waist.

"So you'll find out the sex of the baby today?" Chris inquired.

"If he or she iscooperative, yes. Knowing the child, they'll be stubborn like their father and will hide their secret." She giggled earning a stern look from her husband but making everyone else laugh.


"What do you want it to be?" Kalene asked as they were on their way to the doctor's office.

"A boy." He quickly replied.

"Oh? How come?" She inquired.

"Well, we already have a girl. And I want someone to carry on my family name." Tim looked over at his wife and smiled.

Both her hands were resting on her expanding belly and she was smiling. 'She truly is glowing. It just makes her even more beautiful!' he thought as he followed the GPS directions.

"What about you?" He asked.

"I want a boy."

"May I ask why?" He asked.

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