It all started on a Tuesday afternoon in the Southern part of Miami, right after me and my older sister Juliet, well she’s not really my sister my parents adopted her from China a month before I was born for the reason being that they didn’t want me to be an only child however I love her as my own sister. We were coming back from gymnastics and synchronized swimming, walking towards the car with our youngest brother and sister, Cameron is 6, and Jade is 1 and ½, Cameron was adopted from Haiti he was actually saved. Here's my Cameron's story:
My parents are really weird, and they’re the environmentally friendly, earth loving type of people quiet odd to be honest.
After the hurricane in Haiti when Juliet and I were about twelve and Jade was 3 months old, my parents were offered a job in Haiti helping the people caught in the rummage, along side the Red Cross, the company they have worked with for 20 years.
In the meantime, we drove our grandparents insane for about 2 months and ½.
Rummaging through the ruckus; my parents found a five year old boy holding on to dear life, trapped between two steel walls from a bank that was destroyed by the storm. He had been waiting for his mother.
Sadly, his mother had died; she was thrown 30 yards away from the bank and broke her neck she died immediately. His father had died when the boy was 2; he was gunned down by 6 men in a bar because he was trying to help a poor woman being abused by one of the men. He was being a good citizen and he paid with his life.
My parents adopted him that day; he didn’t remember anything before the incident due to amnesia. So he only knew now that mommy and daddy’s names were Morgan and Justin Peterson and he was on vacation in Haiti.
My parents had decided not to tell him what really happened because for one, he was too young, and second of all, it would serve no purpose to tell him but to make Cameron cry.
Anyhow, coming back from our sports, we got in the car, in the parking lot, Juliet and I were yelling at each other because we both wanted the front seat but she shot gunned it first, though I was still peeved because she got to ride in the front this morning.
Mom started yelling, “Girls stop fighting or we’re not going on vacation!!!”
“What vacation?” Cameron, Juliet and I all asked in harmony.
“No vacation!!!”, Mom said, “If you don’t stop fighting and if you're not really, really nice and don't act up in anyway. Alright?”
“Fine.”, we said.
For the rest of the ride we were whispering about everything it could be. We had to stop at the grocery store to buy food for our aunt Alana’s baby shower we throwing this afternoon at our house. She's supposed to have quintuples. Once we got back to the car neither Juliet, nor I were sitting in the front seat we all sat in the back discussing the so mentioned vacation.
My mom was happy. No one was playing with what she calls ‘the noise buttons’ which is just the knobs that work the stereo system in the car. But she was bothered by the whispering in her ears, actually it drove her insane.
When we got home too many people were at the house, Grandma Donna and Debra, Grandpa Jonathan and Paul, Auntie Abigail, Christine, Alana and Susan, Uncle Ted, Bill, Jonathan Jr. and Patrick and all our cousins were there: Tobby, Charlie, Teddy, P.J., Gabe, Austin, Ally, Trish, Dez and Amy. We have a lot of cousins, 10 to be exact and counting.
At dinner, after saying grace, my mom stood up and announced, “You are all gathered here today for Alana's baby shower. Congratulations Alana we are all really happy for you! Although we are thrilled to be adding 5 new members to the Peterson, Richter family tree, my family and I will sadly not be attending the birth of your children unless they come this evening or come late about 3 years late which is impossible. Why? Simple, we have not been on a vacation since Angela left. Unless if the vacation was for work, which is not actually a vacation. So we are going on a 3 year cruise around the world, ending in Cancun and starting in Fort Lauderdale. So this is just a party to say goodbye, we love you and we will miss you more than anything.”
“Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Thanks Mom and Dad! You're the best!!!!” Cameron, Juliet and I squealed of joy.
Now was the time of awkward hugs, goodbyes, tears, and congrats. It was all really awkward but I was ok with it. I didn’t mind. I was overjoyed.
Suddenly Juliet hollered petrified, “Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!! She collapsed!!!!!! She’s all bloody! HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE SHE NEEDS HELP!! PLEASE HELP!!! CALL 9-1-1!!!”
Ambulances were rushed to the house, Alana was loaded on to the ambulance with her husband Patrick and son Gabe. The rest of the families were put into cars my family in one car, Susan and Ted and their kids, Amy, Austin and Ally, were in another, Trish, Dez and Charlie were driven by their parents Christine and Bill, driving a black escalade was the last family to get in the car, Abigail, Jonathan and their kids Tobby, Charlie and Teddy.
Once we got to the hospital the doctors told us 1 baby died in her stomach, hence the blood on the floor it was simply miscarriage. 1 baby died during delivery, his lungs had filled with blood from the miscarriage, he was suffocated to death. The third baby died in the intensive care unit because he was under fed and under grown because he did not have enough room to develop properly. The doctor said it was normal The twins, who had survived, two girls, were happy and healthy.
When we entered, Alana spoke in a soft comforting voice, “Don’t feel sorry for me losing 3 babies. Be happy for the two who survived, Laura and Cecilia. Be proud of the two beautiful baby girls I have now. Morgan, Justin don’t you have to pack for a trip? You’re leaving tomorrow morning. Go! But thank you for being here. I love you guys! Talk to you soon!”
After hugs all around, again, we finally left the hospital and went to pack up 3 years worth of clothes, shoes, toys, make-up. Yes, there would be a lot of stores but still.