*+ Chapter 25 *+

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Sero's POV

Kaminari refused to look me in eye. We sat on a bench in the park. I decided to break the silence. "I won't tell anyone if you promise not to do it again..." I said, turning towards him. He finally turned to look at me "Deal". He got up from the bench "I should head home now..." he said grabbing his backpack. "Ok cya tomorrow..." I smiled sheepishly. He put the bag on his shoulder and walking home. I watched as he slowly left my sight. I finally decided to head home myself. I headed back towards the bridge. As I walked across it, I sall something in the creek. It was a bright yellow color. I went around to the side the bridge and hopped on stones into the creek. I picked up the mystery item. "The journal of Denki Kaminari" I read out loud. This must be Kaminari's book... I thought to myself. I took off my jacket and wrapped it around the soggy book. I finally headed home.

~Time Skip~

I opened the door to my house and ran up into my bedroom. I needed a moment to think about what just happened. I opened my backpack and took out the book. It wasn't as wet now, but still damp. I knew shouldn't look threw it, but I couldn't help myself. I reluctantly opened the journal. I read it threw, every page. Geez, Kaminari wasn't joking around about this family... I decided I had enough snooping around for one day and put the book back in my bag.

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