Part 1

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The alarm rings as Louis turns around and shuts it off with a big grunt. He slowly gets up and brushes his teeth. As he gets into his small kitchen he makes himself some tea.
He can't afford much food right now since he barely has money to pay for rent.

As he turned 16 his parents caught him kissing one of his classmates.
They were so disgusted by their son being gay that they immediately threw him out.

Since then he is trying to keep himself over water with numerous jobs while studying to become a drama teacher.

His stomach grumbles. He hasn't  eaten a proper meal in weeks which matches his appearance. He is skinny and fragile, his cheekbones being more prominent than ever.

Just then his phone rings, it's his uncle.

He answers the phone and says "Hey Jack, what's up?".

"Hey Louis, I was wondering If you'd be interested in some extra money. It's a client of mine who particularly asked for a young person" Jack says.

"Yes, of course! What do you want me to do?" Louis asks with excitement.

"It's a job as a driving teacher for about 4 months or more. I know you're good at this kid. It's the son of Des and Anne Styles. You probably heard of them before" Jack says.

"Yeah, I did. Didn't know they had a son though. But I'm in! When do you want me to start?"

"Tomorrow, 2 pm. I'll text you the address later. They'll give you the money in cash after every month and they'll also give you a car. It's good money lad, use it wise" Jack says.

"I will. Thank you so much. Talk to you later" Louis says as he ends the call.

After the call ended Louis feels relieved. He then finishes his tea while searching up the Styles family.

He collects all the necessary information that he could find about this Harry guy before he gets dressed and goes to class.

At the same time Harry Styles comes back home after his football practice.
He throws his bag in hallway and goes into the kitchen to make himself a sandwich.

In this moment his mother Anne enters the room and asks "Hey sweetheart, how was your practice?".

"It was great mum" Harry mumbles with his mouth full of food.

"Well I wanted to tell you that your father and I got you a driving teacher" his mother says.

Harry looks at his mother with a frown as he says "A what? I don't need to learn how to drive. I'm doing completely alright without it".

"Yes, you do. Your father and I think that it's time for you to become more independent. Just think about all the nice cars you could buy" his mother says.

This convinces Harry in an instant.

"Okay, when and with whom?" he asks.

"His name is Louis Tomlinson and he will be here around 2 pm tomorrow. You'll drive the black Mercedes with him. Please be nice"  his mother says as she gives him a kiss on the cheek and leaves the room.

Well he hopes that this Louis Tomlinson won't be such an old weirdo, Harry thinks as he gets up and changes his clothes to go for a swim inside their swimming pool.

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