Part 25

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Harry and Anne arrive at the hospital around 8 am, having collected a few of Harry's and Louis' clothes on their way.

Because Harry is not keen on leaving Louis alone any time soon. His mum parks the car and Harry jumps out of it even before it stopped.

He ran inside the hospital, going straight to Louis' room.

He's scared.

What if something happened to Louis while he was away?

If yes, Harry could never ever forgive himself for that.

He keeps on running, bumping into a few nurses on his way who are trying to stop him from running in the hallways.

As he finally arrives at Louis' door, he slowly opens it and see a peaceful Louis laying in his bed.

Harry sighs as he goes to take his spot next to Louis in bed.

"We have to check on your injuries love" his mum says who just entered the room.

"Not yet. We will do it after he wakes up okay?" Harry says while staring at the sleeping boy in his arms, putting a strand of hair out of his face.

"I'll be outside if you two need me" Anne says with a smile. "Thanks mum" Harry says before pulling Louis closer and closing his eyes.

He must have fallen asleep at some point since the sun is now shining bright through the window as he opens his eyes again.

He looks down on Louis and kisses his nose.

Louis stirs in his sleep as a smile creeps on his face.

He leans in blindly and plants a kiss on Harry's lips.

"Good Morning baby" Harry says as he caresses Louis' cheek.

Louis slowly opens his eyes, which then wide open in shock. "Baby what the fuck happened to you" Louis says as he looks over Harry's scratches and bruises.

"Who did this to you" Louis nearly whispers to himself.

"It's nothing Lou" Harry says with a reassuring smile.

"That's not nothing Harry. I'll get a nurse immediately, someone has to check up on you. I gotta go and find someone" Louis starts to ramble with tears in his eyes as he attempts to get up.

"Lou Baby calm down please. You're not supposed to get out of bed" Harry says in concern about his boy.

"Doesn't matter. I have to-" Louis starts again but Harry interrupts him as he takes his face in both of his hands.

"Louis, look at me" Harry says and Louis does just that. "I'll get a nurse immediately okay? Calm down, it's nothing serious. I'm alright" Harry says before he pulls Louis in close and let's him sob into the crook of his neck.

Since Louis wouldn't stop bugging Harry, he called in a nurse just a few minutes later who would patch up his injuries.

"You can be really lucky young man. This could have been much worse" the nurse said as she finishes up on Harry's wounds.

After she leaves, Louis stares at Harry in silence.

"I wanna know who did this to you" Louis simply says.

"It doesn't matter anymore" Harry says with a pat on Louis' thigh.

"Well it matters to me" Louis says with so much emotion that Harry could have broken down on the spot.

"It was my dad" Harry says with his head down low.

It's silent for a few seconds and I dawns on Harry what would come next.

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