Part 14

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Harry wakes up earlier than Louis the next morning, enjoying the feeling of being wrapped around the older lads body.

He pulls himself closer to the warmth that radiates from Louis as he puts his face under Louis' chin and gives his collarbone a light kiss.

He keeps on kissing, sucking a love bite on his collarbone. He slowly kisses his way up Louis' neck, leaving love bites all along the way. Louis is still asleep as Harry preppers kisses all over his face.

After a little while he stirrs awake and grabs Harry's face in both of his hands, pulling him in for a proper kiss.

"good morning baby" Louis says with another kiss to Harry's lips.

"good morning sunshine" Harry says with a blush on his face as he hides his face into the crook of Louis' neck.

"No need to hide love. I wanna see your beautiful face" Louis says as he takes Harry's face into his hands and kisses his nose.

"Can't I just stay here forever?" Harry asks.

"Literally on a day passed by and you're thinking about a forever?" Louis asks with a fond face.

"When it comes to you, I always think about a forever" Harry says with an embarrassed blush.

"Me too love" Louis says as he pulls Harry impossibly closer.

They both treasure those little moments as they keep on sharing sweet kisses.

It's breakfast time and Harry is keen on making Louis' at least try to eat an avocado. Sending Louis to go and change, Harry stays in the kitchen and prepares his favorite, Avocado toast.

"Hm I smell toast" Louis says as he enters the kitchen.

"Yes, it's a special toast though so close your eyes" Harry says with a slight grin.

"Haz, if you want to blindfold me just say it. But don't you think it's a bit to early for sex" Louis says with a smirk.

Harry's face flushes red as he tries to get some words out of his mouth "I-..that wasn't".

"Calm down beautiful, I was just kidding. You know it's never to early for sex" Louis says with a laugh as he takes a step closer to Harry, wraps his arms around him and gives him a long, loving kiss.

"So what did you make us?" louis asks as he turns his head to the kitchen counter, immediately regretting asking.

"No" Louis says as he takes a step back.

"Lou come on" Harry says with a smile as he tries to pull Louis closer by his arm.

"You hate me don't you? There is no other explanation for this. I am seriously starving right here and you try to punish me like that. Why do you hate me Haz? Why?!" Louis says, completely overdramatic.

"Lou please calm down. At least try it. I made it with lots of love" Harry says with a dimpled grin.

"Haz you can't do this to me. You know I can't resist you but I mean look at it. It looks like a disease" Louis says with a dramatic sigh.

"You wanna say that the breakfast I made looks like a disease?" Harry asks with a pout.

Louis looks at him and his heart nearly breaks as he sees Harry's wobbly lip.

"No baby of course that's not what I was saying. I would never" Louis says as he takes a step closer to Harry.

"I think that this is exactly what you said" Harry says, his eyes watering.

Louis can't take this sight any longer. That's why he takes one of the toasts in his hand and takes a big bite from it. He chews it and forces a big smile on his face.

As he finished swallowing his food, Harry looks at him with anticipation.

"And?" Harry asks as he takes a step closer to Louis, staring into his eyes to see is reaction.

"I hate you" Louis says as he turns around and leaves the room.

Harry stands shocked in the kitchen, staring to the door Louis just shut. As he opened his mouth to say something, Louis opens the door again and stomps his way over to the kitchen, grabbing the rest of the toast, leaving again.

"Lou-" Harry starts but Louis interrupts him "I still hate you".

He takes another bite from the toast and leaves into the bedroom. He seems to like the toast, Harry thinks as he takes his plate and follows his boyfriend.

"Lou can I come in? I don't wanna eat alone" Harry says with a slight knock on the door.

And as if Louis could ever resist his baby, he opens the door and lets Harry in. They both eat their toast in silence, Harry stealing occasional glances at Louis.

"Lou what's going on? Did I do something wrong" Harry asks with a pout as they both finished their breakfast.

Louis looks over at Harry, he just can't take to see him all sad.

He slowly scoots closer to him and gives him a kiss as he says "no you didn't love. I just hate to admit that I was wrong".

"Does that mean that we can buy more avocados next time?" Harry asks with a grin.

"I'll think about that" Louis says with a kiss to Harry's cheek.

"You missed it" Harry states.

"Missed what?" Louis asks in confusion.

Instead of answering, Harry leans in and gives Louis a long and passionate kiss.

"This" he says after pulling away. Louis starts blushing madly which he really doesn't like.

That's why he picks up a pillow and throws it at Harry's face which quickly turns into a pillow fight.

As they both come out of breath a bit of time later, they lay in their messy bed, sharing kisses and wishing that every morning could be as perfect as this.

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