Part 23

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The next few days have been nothing but torture to Harry.

It's three days later and Louis still isn't awake. The doctors say that it's normal and doesn't mean that there are any serious long-term effects but Harry has never been more worried in his whole life.

He hasn't left the hospital even for a single second, afraid that Louis might wake up if he does so or...the worse.

The thought about losing the love of his life is something that is eating him alive from inside.

Knowing that he maybe never sees Louis' ocean blue eyes again, never sees him smile at him with those crinkles by his eyes.

He may never hear Louis' laugh again, see how the whole room lights up as soon as he enters. He may never be able to touch Louis again, hug him, kiss him.

Feel those pretty thin lips on his own, sharing all the love they have.

Those thoughts never left his head, even now when he's standing in front of the vending machine, getting himself some "dinner".

He sighs as he gets his chocolate bar and walks back to Louis' room.

He passes by a few windows, seeing his reflection and to say that he looks awful would be an understatement.

He can also tell by the way people are looking at him when they walk past him. The dark circles under his eyes only match his pale face since he barely slept or ate but how can he when his boy is still unconscious, still not where he's supposed to be, with him.

He slowly opens the door to Louis' room and walks in, taking his usual seat, right next to Louis.

Because this is where he wants to be, next to him.

He starts to eat his chocolate bar in silence as he stares at his phone. He knows that it's only making it worse but he still can't stop himself from staring at the pictures,the pictures of him and Louis.

This one in particular is his favorite, them both sitting cuddled up together on the couch while staring into each other's eyes like it's the only thing they ever want to see.

Suddenly, he hears a little sigh from in front of him.

He looks up in confusion and nearly falls of his chair as he looks into his eyes, Louis eyes.

"What are you looking at that makes you go all sad, beautiful?" Louis asks with a weak smile.

Without answering, Harry lets out a sob and immediately falls into Louis' arms who hugs him back just as tightly.

They stay like this for a while, just being in each other's arms while Harry quietly sobs into the crook of Louis' neck with Louis running his hand up and down Harry's back in order to calm him down.

Louis occasionally whispers a few words of reassurance into Harry's ear as he pulls him closer.

"It's okay baby. I'm okay" Louis whispers as he pulls Harry's head out of his neck and places his hands on both sides of Harry's face.

"Look. I'm okay. I won't leave you, ever!" Louis says which only earns him another sob from Harry.

"I thought I'd lost you" Harry quietly says. "I would never leave you" Louis says.

"I sure hope so because I've been dying here without you. I can't live without you" Harry says with teary eyes.

"And I could never live without you" Louis says before closing the gap between them, giving Harry a loving kiss.

"I love you" Harry says as they finally pull back to catch some breath. "More than anything in the world" he adds.

"I love you even more" Louis says with a sneaky smile.

"No I love you more" "No I love you more" echoes through the hospital room while both boys lay in each other's arms, confessing they love to each other because you never know when it's the last time that you can do so.

It has gotten pretty late and Louis' eyes slowly start to drop.

"You should get some rest baby" Harry says as he caresses his hand through Louis' hair.

"Will you lay with me?" Louis asks with a pout. "Of course baby" Harry says before they both lay down.

It's silent for a few minutes before Harry decides to ask the question he has been dying to ask.

"Lou?" Harry asks, making sure that he's awake. "Yes love" Louis whispers.

"Do you know who did this to you?" Harry whispers, almost afraid to ask the question or probably to get to know the answer.

"I couldn't see a lot. They were like five or six tall and broad guys, wearing all black" Louis starts to tell and Harry gulped, tears building up in his eyes as he listens to what Louis is saying.

He wants them to pay for what they did to Louis.

As Louis started to describe one of the attackers, Harry's head snaps to the side. "Can you describe him a bit more precise?" Harry asks to which Louis just frowns but he does what Harry asks him to do.

As Louis finishes, Harry closes his eyes and whispers "I can't believe this".

"What is it? Do you know him?" Louis asks.

"Yes I do. It's my dad's oldest friend. I've known him since I was a baby. He's one of the leaders of their gang, shit I knew my dad was behind this. That's it, I won't let him get away with this" Harry nearly yells towards the end.

"No Harry, please calm down. You won't do anything" Louis says and pulls Harry back by his arm since he tried to get up.

"He tried to kill you Louis. He tried to take away the person that means the most to me. He has to pay for what he did" Harry says with tears in his eyes.

"No! You will just get hurt and I can never let this happen" Louis says.

"But he hurt you. He nearly killed you. I don't know him anymore. He's already dead to me" Harry says, now full on crying.

Louis pulls him closer and wraps his arm around him.

"Listen baby. After I feel better, we will go to the police and tell them together okay? You won't do anything on your own. It's me and you remember?" Louis says with a smile.

"Okay" Harry says as he kisses Lou's nose.

"And now let's sleep. You look like you haven't slept in days" Louis says with a chuckle before pulling Harry into his arms.

Louis falls asleep immediately but Harry is wide awake.

Knowing that the one he used to call his father hurt Louis like that is something that he can't get out of his mind. 'How did he even find out about this? Did he spy on us?' Harry asks himself while he stares out of the window.

His dad needs to finally get arrested and hell Harry has a lot of things to tell him.

That's why he waits a few more minutes before he slowly untangles himself from Louis' arms in order to not wake him up.

He quietly grabs his car keys and leaves the room. 'I will be back in the morning before Louis wakes up' he thinks before he leaves the hospital to confront this dad.

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