Part 2

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Saturday afternoon came quicker than expected and Louis finds himself in front of a huge gate.

He rings the bell as a deep voice asks "Who's there?".

"I'm Louis Tomlinson, the driving teacher" Louis says nervously, feeling intimidated by they deep voice.

"Oh, yeah come in" the deep voice says as the gate opens with a buzz.

He gets inside and stands in front of a big mansion with a gape.

Suddenly, the door of the immensely big house opens and a young and handsome man makes his way over to him.

He tries to stay professional but it's hard with those curls bouncing and those deep green eyes which are staring right back into his blue ones.

It's Harry Styles, the boy that he has read a lot about yesterday. He looks even better in real life, he has to admit. Louis doesn't know if he likes that or not.

As Harry stands in front of him, he extends his hand and says "Hey, I'm Harry. You must be Louis, the one who wants to show me how to drive".

Louis takes his hand which is way bigger than his, what he oddly enough doesn't mind at all.

"Yes, that's me" Louis says, still not letting go of Harry's hand.

After a few moments, both boys realize the awkward situation they're in and quickly move their hands away with an embarrassing laugh.

"Well Harry, let's get started. I'll assume that's the car we will be driving in" Louis says as he points to the black Mercedes standing in the alley, ready to be driven.

"Yes, you're right. Let's go" Harry says as they both make their way over to the car.

Harry is unusual nervous right now. But who can blame him? Louis is definitely not an old weirdo.

He is a young and unbelievably beautiful man with the most precious smile and don't let him start on those blue eyes of his. God he can't even listen to himself. He sounds like a 10-year-old girl with a crush. Embarrassing.

They both get inside the car.

"So today we will start really simple. Just start the car and we will be driving around the area for a bit" Louis says as he fastens his seatbelt.

"Okay simple" Harry says, obviously tense.

"Hey Harry, relax. It's alright to go slow and it's no problem if you do any mistakes. I'll be here to help you anytime" Louis says with a pat on Harry's shoulder which sends shivers down his spine.

Harry smiles at him and starts the car. After a few moments Louis realizes that Harry is still tense, he decides to talk to him to release some of the pressure.

"So what do you do in your free time?" Louis asks.

"Well I'm a senior in high school and I play football besides school, I'm the captain actually. Else I just meet some friends and I travel a lot" Harry says as he beams with pride.

"Wow, that's amazing" Louis says.

"What about you then?" Harry asks.

"I'm a senior in college, I wanna be a drama teacher. Besides college I just work" Louis says as he looks down with a slight sad expression.

Harry saw this moment in the corner of his eye. His stomach twists at that which is something that never happened before.

He doesn't usually care about other people's feelings but there's something inside of him that wants to see that smile again.

"Don't you have time to do a hobby besides work?" he asks.

"No, this is not my only job actually, so there's no time left for other things. I always enjoyed playing football when I was younger actually" Louis says.

"Well if you want to, we can play together some time" Harry suggests.

"Yeah I'd like that actually" Louis says with a smile.

Satisfied with this answer, Harry continues to drive with a grin on his face.

They drive for another 30 minutes while talking about random things. Being with each other in this car feels nice.

It's something that both boys could get used to. They don't want it to end. But sadly everything has to end sometimes. When they finish the lesson they exchange phone numbers, promising each other to text soon. They agree on meeting again on Monday.

Louis leaves the big property with a smile. He can't wait for Monday but he knows that he has to stay professional. He really needs that money and can't afford to get fired for flirting with the unbelievably handsome student.

He just can't seem to help himself.

As he enters his small flat he takes place on his bed. He closes his eyes as his phone bings.

It's a message from Harry.

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