Part 10

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Louis quickly puts his coco pops in their basket, being excited like a little boy. While they keep on examining the cabinets and putting in some useful food for Louis, Harry's phone rings. It's his mum.

He has a frightened look on his face before he answers the call. It's not going unnoticed by Louis who immediately stops in his tracks.

"Hey mum" Harry says with a shaking voice.

"I was sleeping over at Niall's, just like I told you" Harry says, pressing his lips together.

'Who the fuck is a Niall?' Louis thinks while he keeps on listening to his boyfriend.

"Yeah I thought about spending the rest of the day with him as well. Also Uni is pretty late tomorrow so maybe I could stay over at his again. We haven't seen each other in a long time" Harry says with a pleading look.

"Really? Thank you mum! Yes, next time I'll tell you earlier if I have plans. Thanks mum, I love you too" Harry says with the biggest grin on his face as he hangs up the phone.

"I hope it's okay if I stay for another night" Harry says with a smile as he takes a step closer to his boyfriend.

Louis completely ignores his question as he asks "So who is this Niall? You haven't told me anything about him yet" Louis says with a jealous look on his face.

"Aww Lou, don't be jealous. He's an old friend of mine, one of my best friends actually. You'll have to meet soon" Harry says, wrapping his arms around Louis' much smaller frame.

"Yeah I'll think of that" Louis says, hugging Harry in a slight possessive manner.

"Hey Lou, look at me" Harry says smiling, completely endeared by his boyfriends jealousy.

He's trying to look tough but he's failing miserably.

Louis looks up at Harry, his slight frown immediately disappearing.

"You don't have to be jealous, okay. What if you're someone I just want around. I'm falling for you! It's only you, my little sunflower" Harry says as he slowly caresses his lovers cheek.

"Could you stop being so cheesy, fuck my heart can't handle this Haz. Just..I'm falling for you as well and I'll always need you in front of me. Look what you did to me in this short time, I'm a soft cupcake" Louis says frustrated which makes Harry laugh.

He then slowly leans in and they share a short but loving kiss.

"So what do you want for lunch?" Harry asks.

"I don't care. You'll cook anyways so you can decide" Louis says.

"Heyyyy, you can at least try to help me. I was thinking about tacos" Harry says thoughtfully.

"Sounds lovely" Louis says as he gives Harry a peck on his lips.

Around 30 minutes later, Harry and Louis are back at Louis' flat, unpacking the bags. Suddenly, Harry hears a little squeal behind him.

"No you did not" Louis says as he holds up two avocados who barely fit in his tiny hands.

Harry can't stop the laugh that escapes his mouth.

"No Harold, stop laughing. That's not funny. You'll take this home with you" Louis says as he shoves the avocados towards Harry.

"No Lou, please. Try them for me at least" Harry says with a grin.

"No never. Now put this disgraceful food away. I'll wait for you on the couch" Louis says, folding his arms in front of his body.

"Will you now?" Harry says with a laugh.

"Yes I will. I am in need for cuddles and it's not lunch time yet. So hurry up curly, I won't wait all day" Louis says, making his way over to the couch with a sway of his hips which makes his ass wiggle.

And you can be sure that Harry has never unpacked faster.

Harry joins Louis on the couch, with Louis cuddling up to him immediately. They turn on the TV and watch some random stuff. They don't really care, just enjoying each other's presence.

"I love that you are so tiny. It makes you fit perfectly into my body" Harry says out loud.

It earns him a little punch in his stomach which barely affected him, let's be honest, Louis could never hurt someone, especially not Harry.

"I'm not  tiny" Louis says with a muffled voice since his head is tucked under Harry's chin.

"Yes you are but it's okay. You can still be all big and tough with everyone else. Just not with me. Here you are my tiny little sunshine"  Harry says with a kiss on Louis' head.

"Haz please, I have a reputation" Louis says, pulling Harry's body impossibly closer.

Some time later, Louis' stomach starts to grumble.

"Are you hungry?" Harry asks while he caresses Louis' back.

"A bit. But I'd rather stay here" Louis says with closed eyes.

"How about we cook first and then we go back to cuddling?" Harry suggests.

"But I have to take every opportunity I can get. You'll leave tomorrow" Louis says with a pout.

"It's not like we won't see each other again, Lou. We have our date on Friday and driving lessons on Saturday and Monday" Harry says.

"Hmm, okay.... But let's make it fast" Louis says as he quickly gets up.

"Depends on how much you'll help me" Harry says as he follows his boyfriend to the kitchen.

For some time Louis is the perfect helper in the kitchen but as always, he gets bored at some point.

And who can blame him when Harry looks so beautiful while cooking. Well, he looks always beautiful but you get the point.

That's why Louis then takes the knife out of Harry's hand and turns him around.

"Lou, what are-" Harry gets cut off by Louis' lips.

Harry quickly deepens the kiss, both tasting each other's mouths. Much to Louis' dismay, Harry pulls away a few minutes later, which leaves Louis with a pout on his face.

"Let's finish this first" Harry says.

"No!" Louis protests.

He takes Harry's face in his hand and kisses him passionately. And what can Harry say. He's way too gone for his tiny boy, so he gives in. After a long makeout session in the kitchen, the boys finally finish making their tacos.

"Why is my taco smaller than yours?" Louis wonders as he examines the plates.

"Because you're a smol bean" Harry says as he wraps his arms around Louis from behind.

"Normally I'd fight you for this but I'm really hungry and wanna get to the more important things" Louis says as he turns around in Harry's arms and gives him slow kiss.

Louis then takes both plates of tacos and starts walking into the next room.

"Where are you going?" Harry asks, his dimples present in his smile.

"Bedroom" Louis simply answers and enters his bedroom.

"This boy will be the death of me someday.." Harry says under his breath.

They spend the rest of the day in Louis' bed, eating their tacos, watching 'Titanic' (blame Harry), cuddling and sharing lots of kisses.

Both wishing that it could be like this every day.

Both knowing, that it can't.

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