Part 4

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Louis stops in his tracks as he enters the living room. He knew that the inside of the house would be amazing but he didn't expect it to be that amazing.
It looked like it was straight out of a luxury magazine.

Suddenly, a hand touched his back, making him jump slightly.

"Sorry" Harry says.

"It's alright, I was just surprised, that's all. Your house is amazing by the way" Louis says, looking around once again.

"It's alright I guess" Harry says, resting his hand on Louis' back once again.

It send shivers all over Louis' body and he doesn't mind at all.

"It's alright I guess" Louis mocks Harry.

"Heyyyyy, don't get sassy with me here Lou" Harry says.

"Let me get you some tea" he says as he takes Louis' hand out of reflex and drags him into the kitchen.

Much to Louis' dismay, Harry let's go of Louis' hand to make them tea.
Louis misses the warmth of his hand. Harry gets the two cups of tea ready as he invites him into the immense living room.

Louis takes a minute to look around while Harry sits down on the couch, placing the tea on the table in front of him.

He then just stares at Louis, taking in all his beautiful features.

He knows that he shouldn't think about his driving teacher like that but Louis has already become more to him. He can't just say what quite yet.

"Are you done staring?" Louis says as he rips Harry out of his thoughts.

"I was just admiring the beautiful view" Harry says which immediately makes Louis blush.

It's adorable, Harry thinks.

"Sit down" Harry says while patting the place next to him.

Louis takes a seat next to Harry, still keeping his distance.

"I know that the couch is quite big Lou but you can come closer. I won't bite"

This makes Louis chuckle and he slowly makes his way closer to Harry.

"Just yet" Harry says under his breath while he eyes Louis up and down.

Luckily, Louis didn't hear it.

They both sip on their tea in comfortable silence, both just enjoying each other's company.

"So what did you do the past days?" Louis asks, as he puts his tea down.

"Well, on Monday I had a football game which we won. On Sunday, my parents and I flew over to my grandparents in Ireland with our private jet, for lunch" Harry says, leaving Louis stunned.

"Of course, you have a private yet" Louis says.

"Yes, it can be kinda practical. What about you Lou?" Harry asks interestingly.

Louis looks down for a moment. He doesn't want to tell Harry that all he really did was work. Even though he knows that he shouldn't be, he's ashamed.

He wants to impress Harry, not show him how poor he is.

He tries to go around actually answering the question by saying "Not much".

However, Harry notices Louis' look and sudden change in his voice.

"Tell me Lou, I really wanna know" Harry says, sneakily resting his hand on Louis' thigh.

Louis acts like he didn't notice, even though he blushed immediately.

"I just worked, not that interesting" Louis says, looking down.

"And? I think it's great that you work besides university. You don't have to feel ashamed for working hard!" Harry says with a reassuring smile.

"Thanks, Haz" Louis says.

"I love it when you call me that" Harry says as he slowly moves his face closer to Louis.

Their faces get even closer, lips nearly touching. For a minute, they just look between their lips and their eyes.

Harry then slowly leans in.

They both know that it's wrong, but it doesn't feel wrong as their lips collide in a slow kiss. They taste each other's mouths, not wanting to stop. They just can't get enough.

Suddenly, the door to the house opens, making both boys flinch and move away with rosy cheeks. A man's voice echoes through the house and makes its way closer to the living room.

It's Harry's dad.

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