Part 22

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As Harry ends the phone call, he quickly grabs Louis' car keys and runs down the stairs.

He gets into the car and turns it on.

He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, thinking back to all the times that Louis sat next to him in those moments, telling him that it's going to be okay and he will do just fine.

But when Harry looks to his left now, the space is empty.

Louis is not here to tell him that everything is going to be okay, he's not with him.

Harry tries to calm his breathing before starting to drive to the hospital.

As he arrives he parks the car somewhere like a 5-year-old would have done it but he couldn't give less of a shit.

They can take the car away because all he cares about is that he has his Louis back.

He runs into the hospital and to the reception.

"I'm Harry Styles. I'm here to see Louis Tomlinson" Harry says slightly out of breath.

"Are you a Family member?" the receptions asks.

"No, but I'm his boyfriend. Please I need to go and see him" Harry pleads.

"I'm sorry but only family members are allowed to see him" she answers.

"No please. He doesn't have any family. I'm the only one he has. Please let me go and see him" Harry says with tears running down his cheeks.

"I'm really sorry sir-" the receptionist starts to say but gets interrupted by a nurse coming over to them.

"Are you the boy I called, concerning Mr. Tomlinson?" the nurse asks with a smile.

"Yes that's me" Harry asks, feeling hopeful.

"Come with me, I'll take you to him" she says before leading him to the rooms.

"He has made it through the surgery but the next hours and days are the most important ones to see how bad the injuries have affected him" the nurse starts to say to which Harry just nods.

It's too painful to say anything, too painful to even think about it.

"Here you go" she says as she points at a room.

"Thank you" Harry whispers before grabbing the door handle.

He's too afraid to open the door just yet, what is expecting him?

He slowly opens the door and the sight that faced him knocked the breath out of his lungs.

Louis is laying in the hospital bed, multiple wires attached to him, he has bloody wounds and bruises all over his face and arms.

'Why would someone do this to my baby' Harry thinks before taking the rest of the steps to Louis' bed.

"I'm so sorry Lou" Harry says while he takes Louis' hand in his own and sits down on the chair next to the bed.

"I should have been there. I should have been there with you. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry" Harry sobs into the covers of Louis' bed, breathing hysterically in attempt to catch some breath.

"I love you okay? Don't ever forget that. Please don't leave me. I can't live without you okay?" Harry says with teary eyes.

As Harry lays his head back down on the covers, he closes his eyes and thinks back to just a few weeks earlier.

*It was Christmas and also Louis' birthday, the first birthday he got to celebrate with Harry and he wanted to make sure to make it a special one that he would remember.

Louis was still asleep next to Harry, his breathing steady, his eyelashes laying perfectly on his cheeks in the bright morning sun.

It had snowed last night which made Louis squeal like a baby, 'it's like a birthday present' he had said.

Harry decided to wake him up with a special present. He started to kiss Louis' neck, trailing kisses down his collarbones, over his big chest down to his hip bones.

Louis hasn't slept with any boxers on because he got a little bit too excited over the snow last night.

He trails further kisses up and down Louis' shaft before engulfing it with his mouth.

And let's just say it was a morning Louis definitely wouldn't forget for a while.

As they decided to stand up, Harry wanted to bake some cookies with Louis.

"It's so Christmasy" Louis said with a roll of his eyes. "Yes and that's the great thing about it! Come on Lou, do it for me" Harry said with a pout.

I think we established already that Louis can never ever say 'no' to his baby boy.

So they baked cookies with every toppings you could ever imagine.

"What is that Harold? Is that.." Louis started to say as he picked up one of Harry's cookies.

"An Avocado shaped cookie" Harry said with a grin.

"This is one of the Moments where I ask myself why I'm with such a dork like you" Louis said with a roll of his eyes.

"Because you love me" Harry said with a grin.

"That I do. So much" Louis said before embracing Harry into a long hug and kissing his lips, while whispering countless 'I love you's' against each other's lips.

Later on, they opened up the presents while wearing matching Christmas sweaters.

It's ridiculous and they both know it but it just felt right in that moment.

Harry loved how big it was on Louis, making him look even tinier with his little sweater paws.

As they opened up the presents, both boys suddenly realized that everything they ever wanted is already right next to them.

Everything they will ever need*

Harry opens his eyes again, listening to Louis' heartbeat.

It's calming, knowing that's it's still beating.

He didn't even realize how fast time has passed by as he looks out of the window and sees the dark sky full of stars.

As he looks out of it, he wishes for nothing more than for Louis to finally wake up and he promises himself that whoever did this to his boy, is getting punished!

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