Love Is All There Is

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"Mr. Perry." Mrs. Bennedict snaps which wakes me up. I swear this is the most boring class ever.

"We only have one week left and you're still sleeping in my class." She says.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Bennedict." I say. One week. One more week until summer.

"Aright class, before school ends, I'm giving you one last project for this year." She says and the room is immediately filled with the loud sighs of the students.

"This project will be done with a partner. I want you all to pick one poem from this list and perform it in class this Friday." she says.

She passes us a jar with names on it so we can choose a partner. I pick from the jar and open up the folded paper. 'Sabrina Carpenter' it says.

"Jake." I whisper.

"Yo?" he answers.

"Who's Sabrina Carpenter?"

"Seriously? She's that new, blonde girl. She came in during the middle of the school year." He answers.


I look around to look for her. She was sitting by the window. She was looking at the clouds. She's probably not paying attention. The bell rang for lunch and everyone started to disappear.

"Jake, I'll just catch up." I say.

"Okay, dude." He replies as he leaves.

I walk towards Sabrina's seat. She was still putting her books in her bag.

"Sabrina." I say. This is just an awkward situation.

"May I help you?" She says. She's very beautiful. I can't believe I haven't noticed her with a face like that.

"I picked your name." I say as I show her the paper.

"Oh. So when do you want to work?" She asks.

"How does Wednesday sound?"

"It's fine." She says.

"Well, okay. Bye." I say as I leave.

I grab some lunch and go to our table. Peyton and Corey already found something to play with which happened to be their food.

"Hey, Bradley, where have you been?" Spencer asks.

"Oh, I was talking to someone." I say.

"Ooohhh, who's the girly?" Corey teases.

"The girly is Sabrina Carpenter." Jake answers before I could.

"It's for a project." I add.

"Ooohh, is it a project in chemistry. Hahahahahaha." Spencer laughs but we just look at him.

"Sometimes, I question our friendship." Peyton jokes.

"Whatever. That was pretty funny." Spencer defends.

"Okay, guys. Back to the main subject." Jake says.

"So, Sabrina Carpenter. What are your thoughts?" Corey questions me.

"Ummm she's blonde." I say.

"And?" Peyton asks.

"And... she's smart."

"Come on, Bradley. Tell us something we don't know." Spencer says.

"How am I gonna do that? I barely even know her." I say.

"He does have a point." Jake says.

"But the real question is, do you like her?" Peyton asks.

"No. I mean.. I don't know. She's pretty but I don't know."

"Pretty? Are you blind? She's beautiful!" Corey says and he was right. She was. Not pretty like the other girls beautiful. She's definitely different but in a good way.

"Who's beautiful?" Peyton (List -- also Spencer's twin.) asked.

"Not you." Spencer replies and she slaps his arm.

"Who are you talking about?" She asks. Nosey Peyton.

"It's none of your concern, Peyton." Corey says.

"Well, whatever. I just came here to let you know that we're having a pool party this Friday. You guys should totally come." Peyton says.

"Sure, we'll be there." Jake says.

"Wonderful. Well, bye everyone." She says as she struts away from our table. Not walk, strut.


The bell rang for next period and I'm already late. I run to my next class but someone stops me.

"Mr. Perry." Mr. Matthews says.

"Looks like someone isn't in class. May I see your hall pass?" He says.

"I-I don't have one." I say. This can only mean one thing.

"Right. Detention." He says as he gives me a detention slip and walks away.

"Don't be late!" He says from a far.

I get to my other classes and by dismissal, I head to the detention hall. I give Mr. Matthews my slip and he gestures me to take a seat.

I sit at the very back. I hate detention. It's a waste of time. The classroom door opens and I was shocked that she was here.

"Ms. Carpenter, you were almost late. Please take a seat." Mr. Matthews tells her.

She sees me but she ignores me. She takes a seat and Mr. Matthews starts the timer and starts reading his book.

I took a piece of paper and wrote something on it. Then I folded it and threw it to Sabrina. She looked at me and her face was confused. I gestured for her to open it and she does.

Me: Why'd you get detention?

Her: Texting in class. You?

Me: I was caught selling drugs.

Her: Haha. Very funny, Bradley. Honest answer please

She knew my name. Wow. I feel bad cause I didn't know her before this whole project thing but she knew me. I didn't reply.

The timer rang and we all went out.

"Hey, Sabrina." I say while running to her.

"Hey, Mr. Drug dealer." She says.

"Ha. Funny. I didn't know you were such a rebel." I say.

"Oh, so texting in class is now a form of rebellion?"

"Well, it is against the rules."

"Wow, you know all about the rules. So tell me why you were in detention?" She asks.

"I told you I was caugh-"

"I'm not falling for that." She interrupts.

"Fine. I was late for class." I say and she laughs.

"That's a lame reason to be in detention." She says.

"Whatever. So, where are you going?" I ask. We were walking the whole time and we're about to leave the school's entrance.

"To my house? Why?" She says in a duh tone.

"Riiiiight. Are you taking the bus?" I ask.

"Nope. I'm walking. It's not that far." She answers.

"I can walk you." I suggest.

"No, you can't. Bye, Bradley." She says as she starts walking.

I was gonna go after her but I might be bugging her too much. Maybe she rejected my offer cause she doesn't like me.


× How's that for a first chapter of a first book? So Brabrina is still in a 'getting to know each other' stage here but don't worry they'll develop.

Btw the chapter title is a song so you can listen to it while reading if you want. It's like a song for the chapter but its not really necessary. Happy reading! ×

Love Is All There Is // Brabrina fanficWhere stories live. Discover now