IX: Falling \\ Haim

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We were all packing up to go back home. I was helping Rowan pack her stuff since she brought like 3 bags.

"Okay. Does everyone have their bag on board?" Peyton asks.

"Hold on. My bag is still inside." I say.

I went inside to get my bag. When I checked the couch, it wasn't there.

"Where could it be?" I ask myself.

"Oh, the room, butthead." I answer myself.

I rush to the bedroom and ran into Spencer.

"Sabrina!" He says, looking shocked.

"Sorry. I didn't know you were here." I say.

"Oh. I was checking if we left anything. You left your bag." He says and hands me my bag.

"Yeah, that's why I came back. Thanks." I say, grabbing my bag and heading back outside.

"I got my bag." I announce.

"Good. Well, I guess we're all packed." Piper says.

"I'm gonna miss this place." Peyton(List) says.

"'Til next time." Rowan says to the house as if it can hear.

We all hop on the back of the truck and drive back home. We dropped everyone home and I was the last one to be dropped.

"Bye, Sab." Rowan hugs me.

"Bye, Row. I had so much fun!" I say then I hip iut of the truck.

I waved goodbye as the vehicle drove away. I ruffle through my bag, searching for my keyes.

"Aha!" I exclaim.

I unlock my door and drop my bag on the floor.

I turned some lights on and locked the door again.

I went to my bedroom and took a bath then I had some tea before heading to bed. I skipped dinner because I wasn't hungry at all. Just really tired and drained.


I woke up early. It's still 8am. I ate some breakfast then brushed my teeth before deciding to unpack my clothes from the weekend.

I play some music and start unpacking. As I open my bag, I see a paper. I took it and flipped it.

It was a photograph. A photograph of me. There was a postit on it.

'and all I could remember
was us looking at the sky,
and wishing for it to rain,
in hopes that maybe we both
could learn a little something
about falling, the way the
sky wrote it on the clouds.
-r.m. drake' the postit read.

This is too much. The curiousity is killing me. I need to know who it's from. It must be from the squad since their the only people who could've put the note in my bag.

But I was with everyone the whole time.

I put the picture and note in my drawer and quickly change. I call Rowan as I head outside.

"Sab?" Rowan picks up.

"Row, I'm on my way to your house. I need to tell you something." I say.

"Okay. I'll prepare us some snacks." She says then I hang up.

Since we were neighbors, I just walked.

I knocked on her door and she opens up. She greets me with a hug then we both head to the kitchen.

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